Weak With Love For Her (Loki)

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A/N: More angst because I've been in my feelings a lot lately so unfortunately you people are getting dragged along with me, sorry. This is your warning that this is sad. 

PROMPT: "You are weak with love for her."

I knelt motionless on the floor of the ship, my eyes cast downward. My chest heaved with labored breaths as I watched helplessly as havoc was wreaked upon our vessel.  The hairs on my arms stood straight; almost as if I were able to sense the events that were about to unfold. "He's here." Thor declared solemnly, and I knew in an instant who he was talking about. The mad titan, destroyer of worlds. On instinct, my hand grabbed Loki's, seeking the comfort of his cool fingers against my own. In all honesty, it was an effort to keep him beside me. Loki had always been one for mischief, and I worried now more than ever that he would try something stupid. 

I stood in silence between Loki and Thor as we listened to the mad titan's ridiculous words. My anxiety had begun to ease, what he sought he would not find here. The tesseract had been destroyed on Asgard, the space stone presumably along with it. Confident that the events of Ragnarok had effectively foiled his plan, I allowed myself to look up from the ground. The scene unfolding before me was enough to cause me to feel as if my heart had dropped into my stomach. My beloved Loki was no longer standing beside me. Instead, he stood across from Thanos and his warriors, their weapons trained on him, as he attempted to make a bargain with Thanos. 

Unable to help myself, I screamed in protest. After everything that had happened recently, I almost couldn't believe that he planned to betray us this easily. I truly thought he had changed this time; that he and I could finally be happy, be together. My actions came with consequences, and I quickly found myself in a similar situation as Thor had found himself only moments before. Restrained and forced to watch Loki hand over the tesseract, helpless to say a word to stop it. Once again, panic began to blossom in my chest as I caught sight of the dagger materializing at Loki's side. My prince was many things; insane clearly being among them if he thought his dagger would offer him an upper hand in this situation.   

Quickly turning the dagger on Thanos, Loki held it to his throat. "Let her go, and I'll help you. I will pledge to you my undying fidelity." he bargained, as I let out a series of muffled cries. The tears began to wash over my cheeks as I finally began to understand how this would end for us. "Undying? You should choose your words more carefully Asgardian. As for the girl, you are weak with love for her. I have no further use for you." Thanos declared emotionlessly as his gauntlet-covered hand closed around Loki's throat, lifting him higher, and higher off of the ground. 

I watched in helpless agony as Loki's face began to change color as he struggled, choking on his words. "Perhaps I am" he struggled "But for her, I would do anything." he gasped as he desperately tried to pull in more air, his legs thrashing. "I will always love you (y/n), my princess. Remember that" he managed with his final breath before his body stopped spasming in the grasp of his murderer. Grief ravaged me as I screamed and fought against my restraints.  

Having acquired what he had come for, Thanos dropped Loki's lifeless body a mere few feet from where Thor and I were situated. Everything around me became blurred by my tears as I stared at the love of my life's lifeless body lying in front of me. Thor and I watched helplessly once again as Thanos used the power stone to lay waste to our ship, and the space stone to take his leave; shattering our restraints as he did so. 

 I had only a few moments to cry over my beloved's body before the ship had finished tearing itself to pieces, casting me out into the cold, unwelcoming embrace of the cosmos. I closed my eyes and thought of Loki, one final tear slipping out in my grief before allowing the darkness to consume me. 

A/N: SOMEONE MAKE A REQUEST PLEASE CAUSE IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS OVER HERE. Sorry that this was so short. And so sad. And so shitty. 

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