Just Another Bonding Excercise (Avengers)

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A/N: Today I woke up and chose chaos so we're gonna try something new: A group imagine! 

"Prompt": Twister is not and was never on the list of sanctioned team-building activities. (I've never played twister, so don't come for me over rule specifics. Just imagine we can play with 4 people at a time, idk! I'm writing what works best for the fic haha. Even if its wrong. Sorry in advance!)

I had just changed into my street clothes and was briskly walking down the halls of S.H.I.E.L.D, trying to keep my head down and not draw attention to myself. It was Friday evening, I was finally off, and the last thing I needed was to get sucked into working the weekend shift. I know that S.H.I.E.L.D agents don't exactly keep the most regular hours, but I hadn't had a weekend off in forever, and I desperately needed it. "Almost clear." I thought to myself, having the doors in my sights. And I would have made it too if it hadn't been for the strong hand on my shoulder that stopped me from going any further. I looked up and cursed silently to myself. "Director Fury. Good Evening." I said, slapping on a tired smile. "Walk with me," he instructed, and I fell into step beside him. "I need a favor" he informed me, and I begrudgingly motioned for him to go on. 

Fury sighed."You heard about what's going on at Stark tower tonight?" He questioned and I groaned. I was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.S top agents; not a babysitter. "Sir, all due respect but I'm not a babysitter-" I protested respectfully. He clapped me on the back. "I'm not asking you to babysit (y/n). I'm asking you to go to the party." he clarified. "Go to the party?" I asked with a laugh and he shook his head. "Stark got it in his head that having a party was a good idea. I just want you to make sure no one dies because of it." I laughed a bit, it seemed easy enough and it was definitely better than the weekend shift. "I'm allowed to drink at this party right?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow. "Of course. You're going to need it," he informed me, sending me on my way. 

I parked my car in the underground garage and made my way upstairs in the elevator. I could hear the music before I even arrived on the floor. When the elevator doors did open, I was met by more blaring music, and what must have been hundreds of people milling about. I immediately made my way over to the bar, desperately in need of a drink if I was going to make it through tonight. To my surprise, Natasha was behind the bar. "(y/n)!" she exclaimed, happy to see me, already starting on making me my drink of choice; she knew me too well. "Hey, Nat." I greeted her. "What are ya doing behind the bar?" I asked her, taking a sip of the drink she had made me. "Bartender wasn't making em strong enough" she said, coming around the bar to join me. "What are YOU doing here?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink. I rolled my eyes. "Fury sent me here to make sure that nobody dies." Both of us just laughed. 

The party seemed to last forever, but  around 10 PM, all of the guests had started to call it a night, and soon enough only the team remained. I had naively hoped that this would be the end of it, and everyone would go their separate ways, but I was wrong. Tony seemed quite content to keep things moving. I was also naive to think we could just sit around, drink and socialize like normal adults. The chaos started when someone got the bright idea to start throwing around the idea of who would be able to lift Thor's hammer. "Oh god here we go" I mumbled to myself, throwing the rest of my drink back. I watched with concern as everyone tried to lift the hammer, but with no avail. When they got around to me, I declined to even try. "Theres some things I just don't need to know the answer to" I declared, getting up to fix myself another drink. 

After everyone had been defeated by the hammer, Tony had the audacity to suggest the group play a game together. "Truth or dare is NOT considered a team building activity." I said pointing at him. He went to protest, "NEITHER IS 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN. SIT." I demanded him, pointing to the couch. He sat quietly for a moment, until pipping up again. "What if I pick a nice, innocent, party game? Would you allow it then?" he asked me. I threw my hands up in defeat. "FINE TONY, JUST KEEP IT PG PLEASE." I said and he took off to a closet down the hall. Coming back holding a box. "Oh no." I whispered under my breath. This was the last thing I wanted a bunch of drunk superheros to be playing. "Tony-" I warned with a deadly edge in my voice, but everyone else had already discovered what Tony was holding. 

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