Rescue Me (Steve Rogers)

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A/N: This idea came to me the other day when I was driving home from work listening to my music. I liked it enough that I just had to pull over and write this down so I didn't lose the idea. This took a much different turn than I was intending but I honestly love how it came out. I think this may be the most beautiful piece I've ever written and I'm actually very proud of it. I threw in the more light-hearted part at the end cause I thought y'all would need it after I sent ya this deep into your feels haha.

*** P. S I use two curse words in this one, and this is an emotional one so you may want to grab yourself some Kleenex cause you might end up in your feels ***

If you want to listen along while you read, the song this is based on is called "Brother" by Kodaline, and the lyrics that inspired this were "If I was dying on my knees, you would be the one to rescue me" and "Until we say goodbye on our dying day".

I had officially lost track of how much time had passed. The room they were keeping me had minimal light beside the bare lightbulb hanging from a string on the ceiling and the small window centered behind me. It was thanks to that window that I had some idea of the days that were passing me by. Although I had lost count of them long ago, thanks to the window I could still tell when a new day had started and when it was coming to an end.

It was always that little bit of blinding morning sun that woke me; that prepared me for the day to come. I had quickly figured out that when the sun rose, they started and when the sun went away, they did too. It kept me sane, knowing that as I watched the shadows in the room grow, I got closer and closer to being left in solitude until the sun came around again.

The appearance of the sun this morning had woken me much like every other morning since I had been here. And right on cue, the door to the room they were holding me opened and two men stepped through it. I set my jaw and clenched my fists, staring at them head-on, defiantly reminding them that I wasn't afraid of them.

One man stood by the door while the other slowly made his way towards me. He brushed my loose hair away from my face, caressing my cheek. "Such a pretty face. It's a shame about the cuts and the  bruising." He said, his accent thick. I only glared at him, my reserve still as strong as the day they had grabbed me. "How many days has it been?" He questioned me, his voice teasing. He and I both knew that I didn't know the answer to that.

My head jerked hard to the left as his open hand connected with my cheek. My breathing intensified as anger began to course through my veins. Anger at the fact that they had gotten the drop on me in the first place. Anger because my hands were tied to this stupid chair and I couldn't hit him back. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked my head up so that I was staring into his dull eyes. "I asked you a question, you bitch." He sneered. "Go fuck yourself" I sneered back as I spat on his shoes.

I hardly flinched this time as his fist collided with my face. "It's been seventeen days." He taunted. "And he still hasn't come for you." He continued on circling around me as he took in my battered and broken appearance. "Seventeen days and yet you refuse to give in. Stubborn" he mused, making a disapproving click of his tongue.

I met his gaze head-on; unafraid of him and unafraid of what he would do to me in response to my defiance and blatant lack of fear. "And in those seventeen days, I've lost track of how many times I've told you. I won't give you the information you want. None of your torture tactics will change my mind. I won't break. And I won't be the one to send the man I love to his death. You want Steve Rogers dead? You're going to have to do your own dirty work." I hissed, a defiant grin on my face.

The man made another disapproving sound and struck me again. "I suppose if you're not going to be of any use to me, I have no other options left." He said, almost looking disappointed. I felt my heart begin to beat wildly against my rib cage in anticipation of what I knew was to come, what I had subconsciously feared since the day they took me. Without another word to me he turned and walked from the room, informing his silent companion that they were to execute me at morning's light.

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