Quick Save (Pietro Maximoff)

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**Edited and Revised on 01/25/21**

This imagine was requested by @Kara_Song. Thanks for requesting love I hope you enjoy it.

Imagine Pietro saving you.

You were hyper-aware of your feet on the pavement as you sprinted across the battlefield. All of a sudden, you heard a click, and the ground sinks slightly beneath you. You came to an abrupt halt, one of your worst fears being confirmed. You were standing on top of a trigger plate. A very finicky, and very dangerous triggering device for an even more deadly bomb. If you moved or shifted even a little bit, you would instantly be blown to pieces. You could feel the fear coursing through your veins like a current as you began to panic. It wasn't an ideal situation: a city under attack and one of the few good guys stuck on a bomb. Unsure of what to do, you put your hand tentatively to your earpiece to speak with your team. "You guys are gonna be on your own for a little bit..." you whispered, hoping someone would hear you. When someone did answer you, your mind was so distorted by panic to distinguish who had answered you but they sounded distressed. They were yelling. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! WHAT'S WRONG?  WHAT'S GOING ON?" the person on the other end screamed above the sound of battle.

Somehow you managed not to burst into tears, but the quiver in your voice gave you away, as you tried to come to terms with your impending end. "I'm not gonna make it out of here guys... I stepped on a trigger plate... the moment I move- I'm dead. There's no way out of this one, I'm sorry." you sobbed at the end of the sentence as the full weight of your current reality slammed into you. The tears started to roll down your cheeks as you waited for a response. You heard a chorus of "no's", and your team members sobbing and calling out for your location and your heart broke. You would miss them all dearly. You knew what you had to do. Time stood still as you prepared to bid your team goodbye. Your breath hitched in your throat once more. "Promise me you guys will keep saving the world? Don't ever stop. The world needs you. The world needs the Avengers. I need you guys to keep going for me because our world will always be worth saving... please..." you whispered into your earpiece with a bitter smile on your tear covered face.

You were always the team's motivator, and you wanted to leave them with one last mantra to help them remember their purpose in their darkest hours. Because all of these extraordinary people did not just come together by chance. They were purposefully brought together to save the world. Sometimes they just needed a gentle reminder of their purpose. You were met with protests, pleas not to do it. They begged for your location, in their denial they hoped they could save you. You gave them your coordinates, but you knew they wouldn't be able to save you. Someone was speaking to you again, but you couldn't discern who in your scattered brain. "(y/n), you told us not to give up, so that means you can't either, otherwise you'd be a big hypocrite." you choked out a teary laugh. "Don't give up. not yet. The world may need the Avengers, but the Avengers need you too. And you're not going to die today-" your heart broke hoping they were right, but you knew what you had to do. You had to take that step off of the plate before any of them got to you, and had to witness the aftermath.

You took a deep breath and stepped off of the plate. Immediately, you were hit with a wave of energy that slammed right into you. You felt as if you were flying. The forceful wind blew your hair in all different directions. The sound of the explosion rang in your ears. It didn't make sense. You could still hear the explosion ringing. You were still hyper-aware of every sensation around you. You were supposed to die in that explosion, and yet somehow, you were sure you were still alive. Everything seemed to be racing by you, and before long, you succame to the blackness that was creeping in around your field of vision.

When you came to, you were surprised to find yourself lying on one of many infirmary beds on a S.H.I.E.L.D hellicarrier, a scene that was all too familiar to you. The only thing that was unfamiliar to you, was that someone's fingers were laced with yours. When you looked, you realized the hand linked with yours was Pietro's, and he was sound asleep in a chair beside your bed. "Pietro?" you asked, wondering what he was doing there in the first place. Your voice woke him, and he seemed relieved to see you awake. He was looking you over, his eyes heavy with concern, worry, and something else you couldn't decern. He smiled a quirky half-smile. "See, I told you that you weren't going to die today. The world needs you, the Avengers need you. But most of all... I need you." he whispered, brushing your hair out of your face. You smiled as your groggy brain but the pieces together in slow motion. "It was you. It was you on the other end..." you realized. He nodded. "I wasn't about to let you die. Not today, and not ever. How could I when I'm so in love with you, I need you (y/n).." he said as he trailed off.

For the first time since you had met him, Pietro moved slowly. And then his lips were on yours, and your hands were tangled in his silky, silvery hair. When you finally broke apart you couldn't stop smiling. "Now that, was long overdue," you told him as you pressed another chaste kiss to his lips. He moved up onto your bed, and gently pulled you into his arms, making sure you were comfortable. He stroked your hair softly until you drifted off to sleep. "Good night (y/n), I love you." He said to you as he placed a loving kiss on your forehead. You yawned, "I love you too, Pietro" you whispered back slowly losing consciousness as you drifted off to sleep. When you woke up the next morning Pietro was In your bed beside you hugging you close to him, as if he were scared something would happen to you. But how could it? You were locked in the embrace of the fastest man on earth. You had absolutely nothing to worry about.

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