I Didn't Start It, But I Will Finish It (Sam Wilson)

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A/N: I'm gonna try and make this a funny one because I could really use the pick me up right about now. So here we go. 

(Funny)Prompt: "Promise me that you won't start any fights this time." "Fine, I promise I won't start any fights." "Thank you." ".....I will finish them though."

I stood frowning in front of my vanity. I just couldn't get my hair to fall the way I wanted it to today and I was out of time. A series of brief knocks on my door confirmed it. "Ravishing, as always" Sam greeted me with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. I adjusted my dress and stepped out into the hallway to join him. After a month of grueling missions for our little team, Steve and I decided a nice dinner would be an excellent way to celebrate our recent successes. After spending hours in the kitchen, we had managed to whip up an incredible celebratory dinner for our friends. Steve, of course, was excited about dinner but I wasn't sure that I could say the same. Working on a team with Sam and Bucky was definitely challenging; the two could never get along and were always going at it. This difficulty was only amplified when I started dating Sam. My dating Sam and us being teammates and all normally wouldn't have been much of a problem. But when you throw in the fact that Bucky is my best friend and he "hates Sam's guts" as he once put it, things were never easy. 

All I wanted was to have a night of nice wine and fine dining with my friends and celebrate everything that we had accomplished recently. But deep down, I was sure that both Bucky and Sam were certainly going to make that challenging for me. Before we stepped into the kitchen, I turned to face Sam; stopping him in his tracks. I took a moment to smooth his shirt out before speaking. "Look. I just want tonight to be relaxing, and enjoyable. A nice dinner with 3 of my favorite people. Okay?" I asked as I looped my arms around his neck. Sam looked at me in confusion. "Um alright. Weird thing to say but sure." He said with a casual shrug, moving towards the kitchen. I stopped him again. "All I'm asking is- well. Just promise me you won't start any fights with Bucky tonight alright?" I asked him with a pleading twinkle in my eyes. He threw his head back and sighed dramatically. "Fine. I promise that I won't start any fights" he said, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. 

My bliss was cut short by the disturbing sound of Bucky gagging from the kitchen. He must have entered the kitchen the other way since I hadn't seen him standing there. I saw the anger ignite in Sams's eyes and had to physically stop him from lunging at Bucky. "Let. It. Go. You promised." I hissed at Sam as I took his hand and led him into the kitchen. Sam just sulked along behind me, seething at Bucky. By the time Steve had joined us minutes later, Bucky and Sam were sitting at opposite ends of the dining room and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. "What did I miss?" He asked me quizzically as he entered the kitchen. "Sam kissed me. Bucky GAGGED at us. Now they're not speaking to each other." I said, summarizing for Steve as I took a long drag from my wine glass. "And here we were thinking we could have a nice dinner together as a team," Steve said with a sigh as he shook his head and grabbed a wine glass. "We must be mentally deficient then Rogers," I said with another sigh as I observed the two brooding children at the dinner table. 

Steve and I managed to carry on a pleasant and enjoyable conversation with each other over our appetizers, while Sam and Bucky sat in silence and we paid them no mind. Awkward was no longer a sufficient word to describe our dinner at this point. I was so caught up in my conversation about our last mission with Steve that I hadn't even heard Bucky interject. "Thank god one of them has finally decided to act like an adult tonight," I thought to myself, but something about the situation didn't feel right. Sam had gone dangerously still; his food-filled fork halfway to his mouth, frozen in midair. He was glaring daggers at Bucky from across the table. It felt like I was watching everything unfold in slow motion, knowing I was helpless to stop it. "THAT.IS.IT!" Sam roared, lunging at Bucky from across the table, knocking it over in the process. Steve and I just sat in horror, watching the two roll around on the ground and pummel each other; both of them yelling incomprehensibly. 

After coming to our senses and finally having enough of their antics, Steve and I were forced to interject. I grabbed Bucky, and Steve grabbed Sam, both of us hauling them to separate ends of the kitchen island. "Really guys? This is NOT how a team acts!" Steve yelled. Both of them stopped fighting against us as Steve raised his voice; something he did not do often. "What the hell did you say, Buck?" I demanded, turning around to question my best friend who merely shrugged. "I didn't say anything (y/nickname). It's also not my fault your boyfriend has the temperament of a teenage girl." He said with a devilish grin. I groaned, wanting to smack my head on the island. Sam trashed against Steve who was still holding onto him. "He made. A. Bird joke," Sam growled from the other end of the room. "THAT'S WHAT ALL THAT WAS ABOUT?" I yelled, throwing my hands up in defeat. 

The two morons had trashed the entire dining room AND ruined dinner, over a bird joke?! I was fuming with rage and everyone in the room knew it. I signaled for Steve to let Sam go as I marched across the kitchen to where they were standing; dragging Bucky along by his ear. "Now. You two asshats are going to makeup, and then we're going to TRY to have an enjoyable evening. Understand?" I said sternly as I stared daggers at both of them. I was met by immediate protests from each of them. "Buck. We've talked about the bird jokes. They're not funny and they're unappreciated. Continuing to make them is a poor choice and that's on you." I said, jabbing a finger into my best friend's chest.  Sam stood smiling smugly, waiting for his apology; falsely assuming I believed he was right. "AND YOU," I yelled, fixing him with an ice-cold glare. "We DO NOT trash entire dining rooms just because someone makes a joke you don't like! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I hollered as Sam hung his head in shame and Steve just tried not to laugh at the sight of me yelling at two adult men. 

Taking a brave step back from the two of them to stand beside Steve, I cleared my throat. "Now. Shake and Makeup. YES, BOTH of you have to  apologize to each other so don't even ask." I declared with my hands on my hips as the two took a step towards each other. Sam decided to go first, knowing he was on extremely thin ice with me right at the moment. "I'm sorry I beat you up," he said halfheartedly with a slight eye roll. Knowing it was as good an apology as Sam was going to offer, I accepted it. Bucky was next and I just prayed he would be smart about this and not push the issue any further. "I'm sorry that your sense of humor is awful and that you can't take a joke." He said as he grinned manically. "Buck really-" Steve started but he was cut off by Sam going after Bucky again. "Unbelievable," I whispered to Steve, as we watched the two of them battle it out for the second time this evening. "SAMUEL WILSON! YOU PROMISED ME!" I yelled over the fighting. He stopped with his fist mid-air, and I froze, hoping he would do the right thing and stop beating the crap out of my best friend. 

Sam looked at me apologetically. "Sorry baby. I know I promised that I wouldn't START any fights. BUT I didn't say anything about finishing them." He said with a cocky smile as he went back to tussling with Bucky on the kitchen floor. Steve and I just watched on in horror, knowing this was officially out of our hands. "More wine?" he asked me, holding up the bottle. "Yes, please. MUCH more wine." I said, nodding enthusiastically. Both of us were going to need it if we were going to make it through the rest of the night; we hadn't even gotten to the main course yet. 

A/N: I don't know about everyone else, but I thought this was funny, and visualizing this certainly lifted my spirits. 

Side note: IDk if yall have seen the trailer for TFATWS, I LOVE that they basically put Sam and Bucky in COUPLES COUNSELLING. Like come on, that's the funniest thing ever. It also gives me an idea for a chapter: somewhere along the lines of "dealing with Bucky after his 'couples counseling' session with Sam.  SO my question to you guys is, should I write it? Cause the show isn't even out yet. Like Im DEFINITELY writing it, but should I post it now or not? 


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