I Don't Hate You. Not Really. (Tony Stark)

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*Edited and Revised on 01/24/21**

A/N: Thank you to @Fandom-Before-Blood for requesting this imagine. I hope you enjoy It!

IMAGINE: You and Tony pretending to hate each other because you don't want the team to know you guys are dating.

Tony was sitting at the bar, swirling the amber liquor around his glass. "(y/n). She's so infuriating you know, she just gets under my skin," he growled, as he downed the rest of his drink. Bruce, who was sitting beside him, pondered this briefly as he wondered how to proceed. He liked (y/n), and didn't see what Tony was so riled up about. But when Tony got like this reasoning with him was next to impossible. Bruce chose his words carefully. "(y/n) is sweet Tony. She's good at her job, and she's smart-" Bruce said, trailing off. Tony shook his head. "She's annoying, and it's high time that everyone comes to their senses and realizes it." He growled, slamming his glass down on the bar too just a little bit too hard. Before Bruce could say anything about his friend's behavior, Tony was already gone. 

You took in the breathtaking view of New York City at nighttime, as you and Natasha stood out on the balcony, drinking whatever cocktail it was she had made for the two of you. "He really is a self-absorbed jerk you know," you said, eyeing Natasha as you took another sip of your very strong drink. Nat drew in a sharp breath. "I don't necessarily disagree with you (y/n). The side of himself that he shows to most people... isn't pleasant. But I have to ask. Why do you dislike him so much?" She said, posing a fair question. The truth is, you couldn't really place your finger on what it is that made you so upset. Natasha just shook her head at your lack of an acceptable answer and bid you goodnight as she left for bed, assuming you would be doing the same. But what she didn't know is that you weren't going to bed. Not yet, at least. 

As the night went on, you stood still on the balcony, continuing to look over New York City. The cold air nipped at your bare arms and settled into your bones. You had forgotten to bring a jacket when you came out here with Natasha and you were beginning to regret it. You didn't date sneak back into the tower now, lest anyone see you and wonder what you were doing out there so late. Out of nowhere, you felt a soft cashmere sweater wrap around your exposed shoulders. You spun around and came face to face with Tony who was looking at you with fondness. "Hey" he whispered as he swept your hair behind your ear. "Hey" you whispered softly as you turned to face him, and loop your arms around his neck. He placed a kiss on the top of your head. The two of you just stood there for a moment without speaking. "I wish we didn't have to do this" you mumbled into his chest. "I know (nickname), I know., but we both agreed the team isn't ready to handle this right now." he reminded you as he stroked your hair.  Tony hooked a gentle finger under your jaw and tilted your face up towards his own. He placed his hand on the small of your back and guided your lips to his, kissing you passionately. " I love you (y/n). I love you so much" you smiled up at him and put a gentle hand on the side of his face stroking his jaw with your thumb. " Oh Tony I love you too," you said continuing to hold onto him. 

Clint didn't know if he could walk any faster. If he ran, he'd be sure to wake the entire building up and he was trying to avoid that, but he had to find Natasha. When he finally made it to her room, he came barreling through the door, hardly able to contain his excitement about what he had discovered. Given that it was almost 1:30 AM, Natasha wasn't all that thrilled to see him. Before she could scold him, Clint started to spew what he had seen, while Natasha shook her head and stared in disbelief. "That's impossible, Clint. (y/n) can't stand Tony. She wouldn't be kissing him and confessing her love for him on the balcony." Natasha insisted, and Clint aggressively shook his head. "No Nat, I KNOW what I saw. I saw it clear as day with my own two eyes and I-" Nat rolled her eyes. "Have eyes like a hawk, yeah, yeah I KNOW." she sighed as she finished his sentence for him. "Go to bed Clint. We'll call for a team meeting in the morning." Natasha ushered him out of her room before climbing back into bed to ponder which story was true. Did (y/n) really hate Tony like she had said she did or was there really something going on between them? 

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