Pietro Maximoff: Catchup Chapter

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*** Edited and Revised on February 22 2022***

How You Meet

I couldn't believe that we were here. Travelling had been on my list of things I wanted to do for as long as I could remember. But it was also something that I tended to put on the back burner for various reasons such as how expensive it was, the fact that I would have to take time off of work which came at a financial cost of course, and the most pressing which was the fact that I was a student and it was hard to find time to travel when I was so focused on my studies. But it never stopped my best friend and I from fanaticising about all of the places we would go if time and money or school weren't something that we had to worry about. And then before we knew it our degrees had passed us by and we were walking the stage as proud graduates of (your school of choice). And just like that, the biggest roadblock to our plans had been removed. Both of us had been saving up for the vacation of a lifetime since we were in middle school; dreaming of the trip we would take together and the things we would see when the time was right.

So here we were, embarking on a month-long, very in-depth tour of all of Europe. We had both completely emptied our trip funds to get here and had planned to spend every minute of our trip making every dime count. So here we were, standing in a foreign country and wondering what adventures were awaiting us. Deciding on what country to go to first had been a real struggle as we bounced back and forth about where the perfect place to start our adventure would be. But finally, we decided on random luck. So we went out and bought a map of Europe and two darts. When we got back we hung up the map and flipped a coin to see who would throw first and determine where we were going to start our trip. By the luck of the draw, I got to throw first and my dart landed on a small European country named Sokovia that I hadn't heard of before. But once we looked into it, we discovered that it was actually quite charming and had a lot to offer; making it the perfect place to start a trip.

And when I stepped into the streets of Sokovia and took in all of it's charm I knew right away that fate had led us to an incredible destination. My best friend was practically bouncing up and down with glee beside me. "Oh (Y/n) think of all the trouble we can get into here!" She said with a mischievous grin on her face. I looked at her with a disapproving glare. "(Your best friends name), we are here to explore and make memories, not cause trouble." I said with a scolding tone, but when I looked over she was gone. After frantically scanning the town square we were standing in, I caught a brief glimpse of her. She was hand in hand with an unknown, tall, brunette man that she was letting lead her into a bar as she disappeared with only a wink in my direction.

My phone buzzed in my hand causing me to look down at it. I had a text from my best friend that said "Have fun (Y/n). Let loose. Meet some people. Take a chance and make some memories." And the promise to meet me back at our hotel later on this evening. I had to resist the urge to scream out loud in the town square. This was so typical of her; running off with some man for her to string along, and leaving me on my own when I didn't want to be. She always did this at home so I don't know why I thought she would be any different while traveling Europe. I loved her but I should have known that this would happen the first chance she got or with the first attractive man she saw; whatever came first. Frustrated and alone I started looking on my phone for things to do. I walked and browsed trying to figure out how I was going to spend my day. I guess I hadn't been paying enough attention to where I was walking because my focus was broken by people shouting in a language I didn't understand, and a car horn honking. And when I looked up from my phone I was staring right into the headlights of a car that was headed right for me: and I found myself too stunned to move out of the way.

I shut my eyes as I braced for impact; trying to come to terms with the fact that this was likely how I would die. I felt a strong whoosh like a rush of air; it wasn't what I thought a full speed impact of a car would feel like. When I finally opened my eyes, everything around me was rushing by faster than I thought was possible. And then everything stopped moving so fast and the chance of pace made it feel like time had stood still. I felt my feet hit the cobblestones; I hadn't even processed that they had been off the ground. When I turned around trying to get my bearings I can face to face with who must have been the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. He had gorgeous silvery hair and stunning eyes. "You...saved my life." I said, still stunned and confused about how he pulled it off. "A beautiful woman such as yourself? I couldn't help myself." He said, his accent enough to make me weak in the knees. "What's your name?" He asked, his arms still around me. "(Y/n)." I told him, trying not to stammer. "(Y/n). Join me for dinner." He said, that dreamy accent enough to convince me to go anywhere with him, do anything with him. Keeping my best friends advise in my mind, I agreed to dinner and let him lead me down the street; with his arm still around my waist. 

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