Preference 16: How You Sleep

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**Edited and Revised on 01/11/22**

Tony Stark

It's usually only you who sleeps. Tony is not, and never has been one to have a sleep schedule. Not to mention that ever since his abduction by the ten rings, he's been a total insomniac. So it isn't often that he comes to sleep with you, and stays there. Usually, he will come to bed and cuddle you to sleep and sneak away once you've fallen asleep. But when he does come to bed, he sleeps with his chest to your back and his arms wrapped around your waist. Although he always comes to bed and stays there with you when he knows you've had a hard day and your need him just a little more than usual. 

Steve Rogers

Steve prefers to sleep on his back while you like to sleep on your side and lay your head on his chest. He tends to put one arm around you to hold you close, and use his free hand to absent-mindedly run his fingers through your hair which he will play with until you get tired and fall asleep. Sometimes you struggle with getting to sleep, but since figuring out that this little trick of his works nearly every time, it has become a part of your nighttime routine. When you can't fall asleep, you like to trace senseless patterns across his chest and up and down his arms until one or both of you finally fall asleep. 

Clint Barton

Clint can and will fall asleep anywhere and in any position. You've always assumed that this is a direct result of his training and his days as a spy and assassin and needing to crash wherever possible whenever you can. Most of the time when he falls asleep in one of these odd positions and you're near him, he'll reach for you and pull you in so that you're mostly on top of him and will be the most comfortable and get the best sleep. But usually, after a couple of hours, you end up waking up due to various aches and pains and sneaking off to your bed. It's usually only an hour or so later that Clint finds you missing from him and joins you in your bed. 

Thor Odinson

Both you and Thor were notorious bed hogs who moved around in your sleep a lot. After months of struggling and fighting over bed space, and the blankets, you came to an agreement. Thor would sleep on his back, and you would just curl up directly on top of him. To both of your surprise, not only did it work out quite well for both of you, it ended up being much more comfortable for both of you, and there was no more fighting over sharing the blankets. Not to mention that it definitely helped you to stay warm during your sleep, which was especially useful on those cold winter nights. 

Bruce Banner

 Bruce likes to spoon with you. He prefers when he is the big spoon and you are the little spoon, and both of you figured out over time that it was the most comfortable way for the two of you to sleep. But every once in a while, or when he was having a particularly difficult day, he would allow you to switch it up and let you be the big spoon for a change. Although it was ridiculous and he was much bigger than you, he let you because he knew you were only doing it and insisting on it to try and help him feel better, and that was something he could never say no to. 

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