I Was Tagged.

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A/N: Sorry this isn't an update, but I was tagged in this, and because Im a good sport, Im gonna participate.  I've never been tagged in anything before so this is kind of fun. And who knows, maybe you guys will like learning a little more about me. So here we go, the 15 random questions tag. Thanks to @MarvelBro for tagging me in this. 

1. Favourite Animal?

I am most definitely a dog person/lover. Outside of that, I don't really have a 'favorite' animal, but I did growing up lol. When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with snakes and reptiles, and dinosaurs. You should have seen the meltdown that ensued when my mom told 8 year old me I couldn't have a velociraptor as a pet.  

2. Favorite Color?

Does black count lol? I'm kidding I only say that because I tend to wear a lot of black (like the special agent/badass I WISH I was lol). Other than that, I would say blue. I find it the most calming and serene, and I just recently painted my room the most wonderful shade of blue/gray, and it's SO peaceful. It also reminds me of the outdoors, which is my favorite place to be. 

3. Currently Reading?

I'm not really 'currently reading' anything on Wattpad, I bounce around between any Marvel content I can find. But as far as actual books go, I've got a few on the go as always. I'm on the third book of 'A Court of Thorns and Roses', in the middle of 'Six of Crows but I can't seem to get into it, I have a Cassandra Clare on the go somewhere, and I'm also reading 'Stalking Jack the Ripper' and 'Truly Devious' both are really good and you should check them out if you like a good mystery. Yeah, I have a nasty habit of having multiple books on the go at any given point. 

4. Netflix or Hulu?

We don't have access to Hulu where I live, so I'd usually have to cave and say Netflix, but lately, I've found myself watching more Amazon Prime and Disney+. I actually don't think I've watched anything on Netflix in like a hot minute. 

5. Favourite Wattpad OC?

Uhhh I don't even know what that means lmao, I'm so clueless sometimes. If I'm right, I think it means original creator? In that case, I don't really have one. Everyone that writes on here is so, so talented and I think you've gotta be pretty brave to some degree to publish your work for strangers on the internet, and that alone makes every creator I come across one of my favorites. If that makes any sense? 

6. Eye Colour?

You would think this would be an easy question but for me it's tricky. Right now, my eyes are a REALLY dark brown and they look almost black. They're always changing on me. Sometimes their hazel or light brown, and sometimes they look golden. IDK why or how, but I swear they're different every day. It's so weird. I actually got up to check what color my eyes decided to be today, just for accuracy lol. 

7. Favourite Place?

Ok, this is hard because I have so many favorite places. But if I had to pick a favorite, I would pick this conservation area that's 40 something minutes away from my house. It's got all these big, flat rocks that seem to go forever until they eventually become one with the lake. It's beyond beautiful, and whenever Im upset and go for a drive, I seem to find myself driving towards it unconsciously. Being there just makes me feel at peace and sometimes I'll go there with my journal or sketchbook and just sit there and be creative until the sunsets and I have to go home. 

8. Instagram or Snapchat?

I honestly don't 'prefer' either, but since I don't really use Snapchat, Im gonna say Instagram.  I make an attempt with Snapchat because my sister likes it and uses it A LOT but it usually doesn't last for too long. 

9. Favourite Book to Read?

This is another tough one. I don't have a particular book that I like to read or one that I would call my favorite. I like to read too much and I'm really too indecisive to pick a favorite, so instead I'm gonna pick a genre. Above all else, I usually find myself reaching for a mystery or fantasy type book before anything else. But I've been known to dabble with the romance or contemporary genre once in a while when I feel I can handle it lol. 

10. Currently Watching? 

I have SO MANY streaming services so I have SO MANY shows on the go right now, but here's a few of them who knows maybe you'll discover something new to watch because of this. I've been watching: Ginny and Georgia, Bridgerton, Superstore, Dynasty, and Santa Clarita Diet. On Disney+ we've been working our way through the entire MCU in timelines order and WandaVision. I've also been watching 9-1-1 on there and Criminal Minds. I've also been watching an old Canadian cop drama on Crave called Flashpoint. And I've been rewatching Bob's Burgers, Supernatural, and the Chicago dramas on Amazon Prime. Just like my books, I have a lot of TV shows on the go at any given time. 

11. Sleep or Food?

Again, TRICKY. I LIKE to sleep, and my bed is amazing, but sleep doesn't really like me most times, and Im honestly SUCH a night owl, it's ridiculous at this point.  So I'm gonna go with food. I LOVE to cook, and over the past year or two, I've actually become really good about it. There's just something about doing the prep work and following the steps etc that calms me, and when you're done you get to eat this amazing meal and be proud of what you've made and that's a great feeling. Doing the dishes afterward can kiss my ass though lol. 

12. Disney or Nick?

Both, but it depends on what kind of content I want to watch. I didn't really have either growing up and only watched either channel at a friend's house or my grandparent's. Both are classics and honestly, I find myself rewatching content from both about the same. 

13. Favourite Food?

Honestly, as someone who loves food so much, this is an EVIL question. At the end of the day though, Im a sucker for a good pasta dish (shrimp scampi is my favorite or a pesto maybe? Idk chicken parm is good too), or pretty much any kind of soup. Right now I've been really into this labor-intensive roasted red pepper and garlic soup that takes me like all day to make but lemme tell ya, that shit is incredible and I could eat it every day.

14. Nickname?

Most people simply call me "Linds." This is the name I prefer to be honest with you.  Honestly, no one calls me by my full name and it is almost exclusively reserved for when I'm in trouble. I've always felt like it didn't suit me, and that Linds was much better. However, a few close and long-term friends of mine do call me "Rebel" and I both love and allow it. I used to be a real wild child, and honestly? I have yet to grow out of the nickname ;)

15. Done Any Collab Books?

Nope, I never have. And honestly, Im not sure if I'd want to. My writing and my process is just so weird to me sometimes, so I don't know if I could ever see myself collapsing on a book with someone. And honestly, Im whack af so IDK if anyone would really wanna get into that lol. Though if anyone did ask me, I would be honored and I'd probably give it some fair thought because it would likely be a really cool and unique experience if I could just get over myself. 

I don't really know who to tag in this, and I don't wanna piss anyone off by tagging them or make anyone feel obligated to do it just because I tagged them. SO my proposition is this: If you read this chapter and enjoyed it, AND you have any type of book here on Wattpad: I tag YOU. This was actually kind of fun to do, and I think it's a fun way for your readers to learn more about you. 

A/N: That was actually hella fun. I definitely wrote too much, but I've been saying for ages now that I want you guys to learn more about me so this was kind of a perfect leeway into this because I've never really known what to tell you lol. So hopefully you found this fun and informative in some way instead of a big annoyance. Im curious though: do we have anything in common? 

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