Preference 6: Lazy days

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***Edited and Revised on 02/19/22***

Tony Stark

Sunday; my favorite day of the week. It was the one day of the week that I was always guaranteed to have off; no if's, and's, or buts. This was an agreement Tony and I had reached ages ago when we first started dating; that both of us would always have Sundays off so that we were guaranteed one uninterrupted day a week that we could spend time together. Truthfully, it was the only way that we got to see each other sometimes amid our hectic schedules. Waking up and knowing that it was Sunday automatically put me in a pleasant mood. But that quickly started to fade when I rolled over and noticed that Tony was not in bed beside me as he usually was most Sunday mornings. "I swear to god if he snuck out of bed to do work on a Sunday" I muttered grumpily to myself as I groaned and got out of bed. Tony was somehow both a night owl and loved staying up late, and an early bird. So it wasn't unusual for him to be awake before me, but most of the time he waited in bed until I was awake, always hesitant to wake me up, claiming that I deserve to spend my day off sleeping in as late as I could. And on the rare occasion, I didn't find him in bed with me, I could usually find him in the kitchen trying his best to make us something for breakfast; and when and if that failed, at least a really good cup of coffee to start the morning with. Knowing Tony and his typical Sunday routines, I decided that the kitchen was the most logical place to look for him. But I couldn't help but notice that the penthouse suite was unusually quiet as I made my way from the bedroom towards the kitchen. If Tony was in the kitchen, I could usually hear his colorful cursing as soon as I opened the door.

My suspicions were only confirmed when I walked into the kitchen to not only find the lights off but no Tony insight. Sighing, I swiped the tablet off of the island and logged on. I didn't particularly feel like wandering down to the lab right now, and the live camera feed would show me if Tony was down there or not. To my surprise, he wasn't. "Where the hell is he?" I wondered out loud to myself. And then I heard the familiar sound of the elevator coming up. I swiveled around in my seat and came face to face with Tony, who was struggling to balance a box, a tray of coffees, and a few bags. "Shit, you're awake. I was supposed to be back before you got up." He grumbled, looking visibly upset. "Yeah we left the blinds open, the sun woke me up," I explained, shrugging my shoulder nonchalantly. "I didn't want to leave you, but I had a craving for those croissants from the bakery down the street. So I figured I'd go grab us some pastries and coffee for breakfast. And then because I was already out I thought I would grab groceries to make (your favorite meal) with." He explained. I snatched the box of pastries from his hands and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Hmmm, I suppose you're forgiven for leaving me in bed by myself." I teased, causing him to roll his eyes. "So what are we doing today?" Tony asked, likely assuming that I had already made plans for the day. "Who cares? We can eat pastries in bed!" I exclaimed as I raced off down the hall towards our bedroom, Tony right behind me. 

Steve Rogers

Exhaustion was officially no longer the right word to describe how I was feeling these days. I had put in well over the recommended amount of overtime in the past three days alone, let alone the rest of the week, and Fury had woken me at three o'clock this morning with some sort of emergency that required my immediate attention; so I had been forced to go in and attend to it. When I had finally gotten the situation under control, it was closer to nine o'clock, and I wasn't sure how I was still standing. When I finally stumbled through the door of mine and Steve's apartment, I only had one goal: get to bed as quickly as possible. But something was blocking my path to the bedroom. Groaning, I craned my neck up to look at Steve. It hadn't even occurred to me that he would be awake already when I got home. For some reason in my practically delirious state, I had expected him to be in bed still when I got back and had completely forgotten that he woke up at five every morning so that he could run with Bucky and Sam at six. But where the hell had he come from? I hadn't seen him when I came in. He must have been in the kitchen? Or maybe the living room? I wasn't sure but my train of thought quickly derailed as I finally clued into the fact that he was talking to me. "Hmmm, sorry what did you say?" I asked as I stifled a yawn. "I asked when the last time you ate something was. You don't look good." He said, worry painting his features. "Umm, I don't know. Sleep now, eat later." I grumbled, trying to plow past him to get to our bedroom. "Ok. Sleep now, eat later." Steve agreed, knowing better than to push, as he swept me up in his arms and carried me the rest of the way to the bedroom.

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