Why are Sam and Bucky in Therapy?

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A/N: This is not a chapter, just something to make yall laugh. I saw it on TikTok, and I can't seem to upload the videos for some reason, so Im gonna type them out for yall and hope it makes someone laugh. The girl's user name is hanananah.grace on TikTok if ya wanna watch the videos!  I recommend watching them cause they're pretty funny! (These are her cannons/ideas and I take no credit for them, Im just writing  them down here for your enjoyment!) 

Prompt: A list of "Canon" things that Bucky and Sam did to end up in COUPLES THERAPY.

1. Bucky asked Sam for a cup of water, so Sam brought him a cup full of ice and told him to wait. 

2. Bucky told Sam that Marvin Gaye "Isn't even that good". 

3. Bucky came home one day to find Sam just chilling on his couch unannounced. 

4. Sam refused to move his seat up. Again. 

5. Bucky keeps sending Sam pictures of birds and asking if "they're his family". 

6. Sam keeps sending Bucky pictures of old people and asking if he knows them. 

7. One of them claimed that they hated Peter Parker more than the other one. 

8. Bucky told Sam that he was blocking the view, and Sam just said "I am the view". 

9.  One of them took the last donut with red, white, and blue sprinkles. 

10. Sam put "Bucky" as the answer to "a five-letter word for disappointment" on a crossword puzzle. 

11. Sam put out a tweet saying "If this tweet gets one like, I will punch Bucky in the face." He then liked his own tweet. 

12. Bucky reminded Sam that he was two inches taller than him. 

13. Sam wanted Mcdonald's. So Bucky drove up, ordered one black coffee for himself, and then left. 

14. Sam makes a big deal about the "senior citizens discount" at every restaurant they go to. 

15. Bucky keeps super gluing giant googly eyes to Sam's goggles. 

16. Refridgerator magnets...

17. Bucky keeps calling Sam a pigeon. 

18. Sam is very adamant that he can fly. To test this theory, Bucky just two-hand shoved him down a flight of stairs. 

19. Sam keeps trying to convince Bucky that they officially made the sun a planet and he just didn't know about it until now. 

20. Bucky claimed to have gotten Sam a new pair of wings for his birthday. When Sam opened the present, the only thing in the box was a set of wings that Bucky had ripped off a Tinker Bell costume. 

21. Sam asked Bucky for a hand, so he detached his metal arm and threw it at Sam as hard as he could. 

A/N: Why do YOU think Bucky and Sam ended up in couples therapy? Let me know in the comments, I would love to discuss this with everyone. 

I hope this made everyone laugh and smile. 


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