The Best Of Friends (Bucky Barnes)

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Thanks to @writtercute77 for requesting this. So thank you, love. I've never written anything along these lines before, and I was originally unsure of this request but I think it turned out so cute! Warning: there's cussing in this one if only to display rage lol. I made this a long one lol, least I could do after being MIA for a hot minute. 

"How bout a Bucky imagine where the reader is on her 'girly week'  and her best friend, Bucky helps her out all day and since the reader's emotions are all over the place she accidentally admits her secret crush on Bucky but it turns out he likes her too." 

I let out a loud groan as I flipped over to bury my face in my soft pillow. Mother nature had decided that it was time for my monthly beat down, and as much as I hated to admit it, she was doing an incredible job. My entire body seemed to be cramped, and the pounding in my head had yet to let up. I had taken to drawing all of the blinds in the room, relishing in the darkness. I had no motivation to get anything done so I had taken the day off from work, hoping that tomorrow would be a different story although I doubted it. It wasn't unusual for me to be down and out for a few days during my time of the month. A sharp knock on my door was quick to break me out of my self-pitying spiral. I sat up in bed, groaning again as the action sent another wave of pain rippling through my body. My eyes narrowed in the direction of the door; I would know that knock anywhere. My best friend, for all his quirks, had a very unique way of knocking on doors: he only did it once. And often with his metal hand; the sounding being loud enough to resonate through the entire floor of the building and shake the door in its frame. With strength like that, I guess you really don't need to knock more than once. "Go away, Barnes. I'm not in the mood" I spat at him, simply wanting to lay in bed and revel in my pain while tightly wrapped in my duvet. I could hear him choking back a chuckle on the other side of the door. 

I shook my head as a smirk danced across my lips. Even through the door he could tell I didn't really mean my harsh words. That was one of many things I loved about Bucky: he understood me effortlessly. "I'm coming in y/n/n, whether you let me in or not." He declared from his side of the door. "Stubborn ass" I grumbled loud enough for him to hear me as I slowly began to unwrap myself from the duvet, taking my time as I crossed the room. "Y/n, don't make me kick your door down" he warned me, and I heard his boot give the door a kick in a testing manner. "You. Are RIDICULOUS." I yelled at him as I threw the door open to reveal Bucky leaning casually against the doorframe looking handsome as always. "Get your mind out of the gutter y/n" I chided myself before grabbing Buckys arm and dragging him into my room before I could change my mind about letting him in. "You missed training today," he said nonchalantly as he stood in the middle of my room. "I called in sick" I spat as I threw myself back down on the bed. "You don't look sick?" Bucky mused as he quirked an eyebrow in my direction. Feeling the anger boiling up inside me, I lobbed one of my pillows at him as hard as I could, feeling a bit better when it hit him right in his smug, perfect face.  

Bucky took a slight step back as the pillow collided with him. "So... you're 'sick'?" Bucky as tentatively as he sat down on the edge of the bed, his confusion clear in his voice. I groaned loudly as I flipped over to face him. "James Buchannan, you really are fucking clueless sometimes arent you?" I asked exasperatedly. He continued to stare at me in confusion as he shrugged his shoulders. I dragged a hand down my face realizing I was really going to have to spell it out for him. "I don't have a cold. I'm on my period." I informed him before flopping back down onto my pile of pillows. "Hmmm. That would do it," he said, rubbing comforting circles up and down my back. "I have a few ideas, I'll be right back." He whispered softly before I felt him get up. I instantly missed the feeling of his warm hand on my body and the comfort of him being close to me. It felt like Bucky had been gone for ages and irrational as it was I was beginning to think he wasn't coming back. Hormones raging, my eyes began to water at the thought. I hadn't even noticed Bucky return until I felt him brushing the tears from my cheek. "Jesus, make some noise when you move Buck." I scolded him jokingly, immediately feeling better as I watched that gorgeous smile of his light up his face. 

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