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Hey guys, SO SORRY that this isn't an update, but it IS fairly important; at least to me anyway. So lately, I've been thinking A LOT about your opinions and stuff. I know some people are very vocal in the comments, and in my DM's, and even on my page and that's GREAT! But I decided that I wanted to go one step further and really pick your brains! 

Long story short, I have created a survey so that you guys can share your opinions on my work/my book and so that I can learn a little bit more about you and your preferences so that I can try my best to apply them to my work! 

None of the questions are mandatory as I don't want to make people answer anything they don't feel comfortable disclosing, but please try your best to answer everything that you can!

SO without further ado, here is the link to the survey. Please share your honest opinions! Everyone is entitled to their opinions, OF COURSE, all I ask is that you be polite about it, and try not to crush me or roast me too hard lol. 


Please let me know if there are any issues with the survey. I'm not techy AT ALL but I'll try my best to resolve them for you guys.

 I hope that you'll take a few minutes to fill this out, it would mean a LOT to me as a writer. 

Happy survey-taking!

XOXO, -Linds

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