Wedding Series: Bucky Barnes (Part One)

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How He Proposes 

It was finally the moment you had been waiting all week for, Bucky and you were going away for the weekend

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It was finally the moment you had been waiting all week for, Bucky and you were going away for the weekend. It was your anniversary this weekend, and when Bucky had asked what you wanted to do, you simply responded with "let's just go away somewhere, just the two of us." to which Bucky promptly agreed. Except he refused to tell you what he had planned for your weekend away, no matter how much you begged him. "Oh please, Buck! Just tell me!" you whined as you followed him out to the car. "I'm, not tellin' you (y/nickname), just get in the car," he said, laughing as he opened your door for you. Bucky had been driving for almost an hour, and you were finally starting to recognize where you were heading. "Oh Buck, you didn't!" you squealed, and he laughed. "I talked to your brother last week. He dropped the keys off last night since you lost yours." Bucky admitted. "AHA! I KNEW I SAW HIM AT THE HOUSE LAST NIGHT!" I shouted, and Bucky just laughed as he pulled up in front of your family's cabin.  You thought back to years ago when you had brought Bucky here for your "first date" you had thought it would be good for him to get away, and now the two of you were back. 

The two of you spent the weekend at the cabin relaxing and unwinding, happy to have a break from the chaos that was your everyday life. When Sunday night rolled around, you were reluctant to leave your little paradise. "Buck, I don't wanna go back" you whispered, collapsing onto the couch. He stood in front of you, duffle bag in hand. "(y/n). We have to go back. We have so many important things to do." he informed you. I raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. "Oh yeah, like what?" I asked, pushing the limits. "Name one thing we have to do that absolutely cannot be put off." I challenged him. He put his hand on his chin and pondered for a moment, before starting to list off all of the things the two of you had to do. "Help Steve with recruit training, paper work, field exercises, planning our wedding, missions,-" Your eyes widened. "Hold up. Go back one." I ordered, thinking I hadn't heard him correctly. "Missions" he said cockily. You glared at him. "THE. OTHER. THING." you growled at him. "Oh. You mean planning our wedding?" he asked, getting down on one knee in front of you. "Yeah about that. I've been meaning to ask: (y/n)(y/m/n)(y/l/n), will you marry me?" he asked. "Oh my god! Yes!" You yelled, tackling him backward onto the carpet. "Way to get a girl going" you scolded him, both of you bursting into laughter at his antics.  

Your Ring 

Your Ring 

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