SMAU: Stick With Me (Peter Parker)

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A/N: I added something really cool and unique (I think) to this one so I hope you guys like it. This one is a tad longer as well since it IS Peter's official introduction into this story! For all the people who have been waiting for this one, I hope I did him justice with this introduction! Enjoy! Again thanks to @writercute77 for being a part of the creative process on this one, you rock.

PROMPT: You have a limited stack of sticky notes. Write whatever you want on it, and that note will magically appear somewhere in your soulmate's line of sight during that day.

When I rose from my relatively peaceful slumber and cleared the last remaining remnants of sleep from my eyes, everything in my room was the same as I had left it before dozing off hours earlier. Except something felt different, out of place, despite all of my things remaining untouched. Something felt foreign, new, and I couldn't put my finger on what exactly it was. Whatever it was, the change was small. Monumental enough for me to take notice of it, but not something large enough that it had alarmed me when I had awoken. Taking a closer look around the room from my bed, I couldn't notice anything amiss. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair and decided on a shower before school. I had plenty of time to relax given that I had risen well before my alarm. Groaning, I staggered my way out of bed and headed towards the bathroom with the hope that a shower would settle my frantic mind.

Feeling much more relaxed after my lengthy shower, I stepped back into my room, the feeling of something being out of place striking me once again. Frowning as I made my way to my vanity, I continued to search for whatever change was setting off my senses. Once again failing to notice anything out of its usual place, I yanked my chair away from the vanity, slinging myself into it to begin fussing with my hair and working on my light bit of makeup. When I was finished with my appearance and outfit, I headed towards my desk to gather my things for the day; throwing my laptop and any assigned homework or notes that I would need for my day into my backpack. And that's when I saw it, so normal looking on my desk that I wouldn't have marked its presence as different while looking around. But here it was; an item so normal to have on my desk, but at the same time, something that was entirely foreign and not my own. A simple stack of dusty blue sticky notes, a ballpoint pen resting on top of them, and a lone pale yellow sticky note sitting folded beside it.

The realization hit home, filling me with a sense of wonder and glee as it did. I knew without thinking much, what this meant. What the blue stack of stickies was for, and what the yellow one meant. I had been waiting for this day for what seemed like an eternity now; the day when I would wake and find a stack of sticky notes on my desk that had not been on my desk the night before, but yet belonged to me without a doubt. I had waited for that first note to appear, spent countless nights thinking about what I might find written inside of it. How the whole thing had come to be, no one knew for certain. The only things that anyone knew with any certainty were that every person had their own unique stack of sticky notes; no two stacks were exactly alike. That and that when you wrote on your sticky notes and folded them up, they would vanish from sight; appearing in your soulmate's possession or line of sight at some point. The only catch was that each person has a limited number of sticky notes, and once they run out, no more are granted. If you run out of sticky notes, your contact with your soulmate would cease until the two of you found each other; if you managed to do so.

Shaking the thought from my head, I picked up the folded yellow sticky note from my desk. I was surprised to detect that the note smelled faintly of whatever cologne he wore. It reminded me of a crisp autumn morning; fresh and clean. Of the warm comforts of fall, like my favorite warm sweater wrapped around me on a crisp day, the smell of spices lingering throughout the chilly air. The smell alone sent a calm through my body, I could inhale that sweet scent all day; taking pleasure in the instantaneous feeling of comfort that wrapped its invisible hands around me and held me tight. Carefully, I unfolded the note, my eyes skimming over it as I took in the quickly scrawled paragraph on the inside of the note.

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