In the Stars (Tony Stark)

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A/N: I only included the lyrics that inspired me instead of the entire verse, but definitely give this song a listen. It's sad but it's incredibly beautiful. I know I've done a LOT of song imagines lately but I really enjoy writing them and they inspire me a lot. It's like having all the bones for a story and just having to fill in the blanks, it makes it easy for me to write when I'm feeling uninspired which to me is better than not writing at all. But anyways I hope you like this one! The song is: "In the Stars" by Benson Boone. Go give it a listen!!


Sunday mornings were your favourite
It's like I buried my faith with you
I'm screaming at a god I don't know if I believe in
Cause I don't know what else I can do

The sunlight that was pouring through my bedroom windows was a shocking juxtaposition to my somber mood today. I stood in front of my closet wondering which dress of mine would best express how I was feeling; not that it was unknown by any of my friends as it was the same way they were feeling right now. I ran my hand across the rack of dresses, pulling one of them out at random. I walked over to my full length mirror and held it up to my body. The rich shade of black perfectly accompanied my grief; emphasizing just how pale I had become from hiding out inside, and how dark the circles under my eyes had grown from the lack of sleep.

I fought back the tears as I remembered the days when this dress had been worn for happier occasions. It was the first dress Tony had bought me after appointing me as CEO of Stark Industries. One of my arguments against taking the position had been that I simply didn't have the wardrobe for the job, or the money to purchase it. Naturally Tony had whisked me off to go shopping right then and there; dragging me into various boutiques and shoving dresses, suits and more into my arms and having me try them all on. Although it wasn't the only thing we had purchased that day, the dress had been the only thing we had left with that I felt truly comfortable in.

And I had gone on to wear that dress to multiple varying occasions including business meetings, press conferences and regular days in the office. I had always felt the most comfortable and most like myself when I was wearing that dress, no matter what unfamiliar situation I had been thrust into. It was always worth it to see how Tony's face always lit up in a grin when he saw me in it. No matter how many times before he had seen me wear it, he was always amazed nonetheless. So it was only fitting that I would choose to wear it to Tony's funeral.

I shut my eyes to shield me from the memory, his absence weighing heavily on me as I remembered. The good memories were always good to recall; until I realized that they were only memories now, and that there would be no more new ones made. I brushed my hair back into a sleek bun and put on the bare minimum for makeup knowing that I would only cry it all of anyways. I zipped myself into the dress, struggling to get the zipper up the final inch; something I had always needed Tony to help me with. I left the zipper unfinished and made my way to the porch, the soft clicking of my heels on the wooden floors now the only sound in a much too quiet house.

I took a deep breath in a failed attempt to compose myself and opened the door. I squared my shoulders and tried to look brave as I took in the grieving faces of all our friends who had gathered here to say farewell to an amazing man. "Are you ready?" Happy asked me, offering his arm for me to take. "Never" I whispered, my voice shaking. Happy only nodded to indicate he understood all of the things that I couldn't possibly say; and that he felt the same way I did. The same way that everyone here right now was feeling. It was a loss that couldn't be put into words. I was only half present as the funeral rites were read, and I was only half aware as my friends hugged me and offered their condolences to me before leaving me alone on the pier with the bouquet I would soon send off into the lake for Tonys final voyage.

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