It Was a Setup (Steve Rogers)

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**Revised and Edited on 01/24/21**

This imagine is for Kara_Song! Thank you so much for requesting this! 

IMAGINE: Being best friends with Natasha and she sets you up on a blind date... with Steve! 

You wondered if you were capable of outrunning S.H.I.E.L.D.S best spy. Probably not, you decided.  She was desperately trying to convince you to let her set you up on a blind date with one of her friends, claiming it would be "fun" and a "memorable experience" You stepped into the boxing ring prepared to knock her on her ass for continuing to push the issue with you when your patience was already wearing thin. "I DO NOT go on blind dates" you grunted as your swept her legs out from underneath her. She got up quickly, rolling her eyes. You delivered a swift kick to her gut. "FOR THE LAST TIME. I won't do it" you growled, gracefully flipping over her and avoiding her punch. "(y/n) could you be a little more... I don't know... FUN?" she hissed as you ducked around behind her without making a sound.  You were getting annoyed with "prancing around the ring like children" so you decided to end this "fight" for good. Sighing you grabbed the red head by her hair, flipped her over and slammed her into the ground. And HARD. You placed a boot-clad foot on her sternum. " Nat, honey you should know by now not to turn your back on your opponent." you sighed as you extended your hand to her and helped her up off the ground."(y/n) two things. First I hate you sometimes. And second, you owe me for fighting dirty, punishment of my choice." she declared with her hands on her hips. You glared. "Fine. I'll do what you want but stop being a poor sport about losing. How exactly am I making this up to you?" you pondered  Natasha smirked deviously and replied " oh (y/n). You're going on that blind date with that guy I know. And I already told him your in." You didn't even try to hide your upset from her. Natasha put an arm around your shoulders as she led you out of the training room. "Now go shower. I'll be up in 30 minutes to do your hair and makeup. I'm also choosing your outfit just because I can. Your date is tonight at 7 pm." She said as she went off to shower before meeting up with you again.  

About three hours later Natasha had decided that she was finished with you. She had curled your hair so that it hung in loose waves down your back. She picked out a stunning dress for you to wear. It was tight at the top but had a little bit of flair at your hips. It was simple but breathtaking. She paired it with a pair of wedge heels that you were skeptical about but wore anyway. She handed you a jacket to finish off your outfit before starting on your makeup. When she was done, she took a step back to admire your work, making you twirl for her. "(y/n) you look great. Your dates out on the main balcony waiting for you. Have fun." Nat couldn't keep the grin off her face as she leads you towards the balcony to meet your date so she knew you didn't chicken out of your deal. You took a shaky and hesitant breath before opening the door to the balcony. He stood looking over the balcony. He was wearing a simple t-shirt with a brown leather jacket on and a pair of jeans. You hated to admit this but he looked really... handsome, with his light blonde hair blowing around in the wind. You didn't even know what to say so you timidly cleared your throat instead. When he turned around you couldn't even speak. You were standing face to face with Steve Rogers. Natasha set you up with... Steve. Who you just so happened to have a crush on. Steve took a step towards you. He was smiling as he took you in. "(y/n)," he whispered in greeting and it sounded like his breath had gotten caught in his throat. " You look beautiful" he complimented once he had regained his composure. You blushed and looked down at your feet trying to hide behind your hair. "Are you ready to go?" he asked, offering you his arm to hold onto as he lead you out of the tower. 

You two had ended up having an amazing time as you had dinner at a cute restaurant downtown and then ended up walking around central park. Of course, Steve was a gentleman the whole time. Opening the door for you, pulling out your chair, paying for your meal. As you approached the park Steve asked you a question. "(y/n) can I hold your hand?" he questioned as he looked down at you, smiling. "Of course Steve," you said as you blushed crimson. He sensed your nerves and sighed. "(y/n) you really don't have to be so nervous around me I promise I'm not going to hurt you or anything like that." You burst out laughing at this. " Steve. I KNOW your not going to hurt me I just can't figure out why you agreed to go out with me. I know Natasha is intimidating and all but if you were coerced into this you can tell me-" You were cut off abruptly when Steve leaned over and kissed you. In the middle of central park. You gasped slightly and leaned into the kiss, deepening the kiss as you placed one hand on his firmly muscled chest and the other in his soft blond hair. He has his arms around your waist gently holding you close to him. 

When you finally pulled away for air, Steve moved his hands so that they were on either side of your face. "(y/n) your beautiful and to be honest I've wanted to go out with you since we met. So when Natasha asked if she could set me up on a blind date with one her "closest friends" I had a feeling, so I agreed. And this has been the best date of my life." He whispered and tucked a loose curl behind you ear and rested his chin on your head. "Absolutely Beautiful" He said his voice barley above a whisper. You wrapped your arms around his waist. "Steve, this has been the best date I've ever been on, and I know its late now, but I don't want this to end." You whispered with a hint of sadness in your voice. Steve leaned down and kissed you again. "Then let me take you on another date." his eyes lit up with hope, and then a new idea. "(y/n) I know this is sudden and that this is only our first date, but I've loved you since I met you, and according to Natasha you've liked me a while too. So, will you be my girlfriend? You gasped at his sudden offer but, liked the sound of it. 

You jumped happily into his arms and giggled. "Steve Rogers, you are absolutely INSANE if you think I wouldn't want to be your girlfriend." He smiled. "So that's a yes then (y/n)?" He questioned raising his eyebrow. You placed a kiss on his soft lips. "Of course it's a yes silly" you laughed as you looked in his incredible blue eyes. "(y/n) I hate to break it to you but we really should get back we've been gone 5 hours and I told Natasha 2 at the most." you sighed. "You're probably right. We should get going before Natasha has all of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers out looking for us." You went to hop out of Steve's arms but you were no match to the super-soldier as he hung on to you. "How about I carry you back to the tower? Those shoes look... evil"  he speculated and you laughed. The shoes were evil and it had been a lot of walking, and you were very tired. You nodded in agreement as Steve started walking back to the tower. You sighed contently as you rested your head on his chest... and fell asleep. When you woke up the next morning in your bed, tucked in with your warm blankets, some of the details of your date with Steve were hazy, but you knew one thing for certain. That you were totally and undeniably in love with Steve Rogers,  your loving boyfriend. You smiled to yourself, rolled over and went back to sleep with Steve on your mind.

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