SMAU: Shades of You (Loki)

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A/N: For context, I was googling what color Loki's eyes were for this chapter and it was like "they're blue!" and then "they're green!" and I was like AHHH. Because APPARENTLY they're supposed to be green, but in the Avengers movie they're blue because the scepter, etc are controlling him too? IDK but I rolled with it. I'd also like to thank @AlluringPixie (who provided the prompt for this one), and @writercute77 for consulting with me on this chapter and letting me bounce my ideas around. It's nice having friends and readers who let you do stuff like that and I really appreciate it. So thank you both!

PROMPT: You can only see in shades of your soulmate's eye color until you make eye contact.

One color. That one color was everything to me. It was how I experienced the world, how I managed to brighten up a world that was otherwise black and white to me. I guess at the end of the day it wasn't really just one color. I can see every shade and hue imaginable, but only of that one certain color. My color had always been green, and I had always reveled in it. I had always enjoyed the outdoors, and being able to marvel at all the various, and crisp shades of green that existed around me brought me great joy. Though I would be lying if I said that my mind didn't often drift to other colors. I longed to experience blue for myself; to see the sky in all its brilliance, and the waters around me as they sparkled in the sun. And brown; the rich color of the earth, and chocolate, and coffee. All things that I spent so much time looking at, but yet felt like I had never truly seen. And those were just colors that people's eyes could be: just three of many ways that you could experience the world until you met your soulmate.

Or so the story went anyways, that we would spend our lives only able to see colors and hues that were the same as the color of our soulmate's eyes. But when we met them, when we locked eyes with them for the first time; everything would change. Everything that was previously in black and white would fade away, leaving a world filled with color in its wake. It was meant to be magical in every way; the experience of a lifetime. But I was growing frustrated. I so desperately wanted to experience the world around me in color, and I was becoming more and more impatient with every passing day. Though I suppose I could hardly complain. Out of all the colors, I was lucky enough to see in green; the rarest of all eye colors. Only two percent of people in the entire world had green eyes. 158,000,000 out of 7.9 billion people who could possibly be my soulmate. I remained optimistic, hoping that every day I was one day closer to meeting my perfect person.

I was abruptly woken up by what I already knew to be my best friend, throwing herself dramatically onto the bed beside me. "Natasha. It isn't even light out yet. WHAT could you possibly NEED?" I hissed at her as I rolled away from her. She only responded by grabbing my shoulders and shaking me vigorously. "We have a mission. Let's go." She demanded, drawing out the word go much longer than necessary. "Where the hell are we going? It's our first day off in forever. You tell Fury that I'm going to-" she cut me off abruptly "The world might be going to war (y/n). I don't think our day off matters much anymore." she explained as she took my hand and began to tug me out of my bed. "You're the world's worst friend" I growled as she knocked me onto the floor in an ungrateful heap. "I, am saving your ass from getting lectured by Fury. So let's get going yeah?" she said nudging my leg with her foot as she stalked out of my room without another word.

Mumbling an incoherent string of curses I crawled my way up from the floor and crossed the room to my closet, hoping that I would be able to find a clean uniform there. Feeling hopeful, I yanked the closet open and began to rummage through it. "Green dress, green top, green, green, green, blue jacket-" I stopped suddenly as I dropped my hand limply to my side. Why the hell was I suddenly seeing blue? I had only ever been able to see green. What could have possibly changed that allowed me to see green, and blue, but everything else was in black and white? I dressed in a daze before grabbing my go bag and ducking out of my room. I took my time walking, admiring all of the things in headquarters that I had never known were blue before. When I finally graced the flight deck with my presence, I nearly fell to my knees at the sight before me. I had always liked to stare at the sky, but seeing it in its true glory, was overwhelming. "It's beautiful" I whispered to myself in awe as I walked towards our waiting plane, a bemused look of wonder in my eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Nat questioned quizzically as I stepped on board. "Um, it's kind of a long story," I admitted as I rubbed my arms anxiously, still unsure of what was happening to me. Nat rolled her eyes at my inability to just be forthcoming. "Well (y/n/n), we'll have plenty of time to talk about it." said, indicating that we had a long flight ahead of us. "Great. Where are we heading?" I questioned as I took my seat. "Stuttgart Germany." I could only wince at the thought of the painfully long flight ahead of us.

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