Tagged Challenge

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A/N: I like to participate in these when people tag me (I'm a team player lol). This is a nice break from writing rn. I mainly like doing these cause sometimes y'all comment on my answers and I love learning about you all! I changed some of the OP's questions cause meh lol. 

1. Do you like someone?

I do, my boyfriend lol. We've been together for nearly two and a half years now. He's my person and we refer to our relationship as 'endgame' because we're both pretty sure this is gonna last forever. It's a "Till the end of the line" type of deal. 

2. How many languages do I speak?

I know English, some French, Ukrainian, and Russian. A fun fact: English is not my first language actually! My first language was Ukrainian. My grandfather spoke it with me all the time from when I was born until I was about 5 when he passed away. I was fluent up until then, but after his passing, no one really continued with it, and I lost most of it. But I've been working on getting it back in recent years. 

3.Middle name?

Lavina. Few fun facts about this, I was named after my great-grandmother who I am EXACTLY like. I never met her though. I was born on the same day she passed away exactly two years later (almost down to the minute too) and I have an "L" shaped birthmark on my right wrist. Second fun fact: I didn't actually have a middle name until this year. It took my parents TWENTY YEARS to realize that my birth certificate never had it on there. 

4.What do I want to do in life?

I really want to become a therapist/counselor. I just really want to be able to help people. But outside of a job, I want to travel the world but most importantly I want to do a country-wide tour of Ukraine with my best friend. But mostly, I just want to be happy. 

5. Last person you texted?

My long-distance best friend. We're in the middle of a great debate about socks. She loves them, I don't, and prefer to be barefoot. Please by all means contribute to this debate. 

6.The last song I listened to?

I'm currently listening to "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac, but before that, I was jamming out to "Guillotine" by Jon Bellion (great artist check him out).  Fun fact, my best beats playlist has over 1,200 songs and is 72 hours long. It's pretty much every song I've ever loved lol. I'm always looking for new music. 

7. Battery percentage?

My phone is at 86% and my mac is at 66%. 

8. A random fact about me?

I'm really good at throwing knives.  I don't have a clue where the hell I got that from, but I'm freakishly good at it. I haven't thrown in a while though so I'm probably rusty. 

9.Sense of humor?

Definitely DARK. Like some days it's concerning. I'm also sarcastic as hell. 

10. Favourite OTP?

I'm a Stucky shipper: they're perfect and no one can change my mind. I'm drawing a blank on my other OTP's atm, sorry. 

11.  Why did you make your account?

I think by now we all know that I started on WP as a dare, but if you wanna hear a deeper reason here it is. I was going through a really hard time when I made this account and writing was my light at the end of the tunnel. But sharing my work with others who supported me and appreciated it when no one else did, was the best thing ever. But I simply wanted to bring my stories to life in hopes that maybe they would help some of you the same way they helped me. And I hope in some way I've been able to accomplish that, even if it was just for one person. 

12. Current lock screen?

It's one of the first pictures I have of me and my bf from when we first started dating. I edited it so that it's in black and white and it's my favorite picture of us. I'm not gonna show you guys though lol. 

13. Birthday?

Ya girl was born on October 24, 1999, which makes me 21 years old and a Scorpio! 

14. Share a secret?

For someone with anxiety who is illogically scared of everything, I'm a serious adrenaline junkie and I'd do pretty much anything to feel that rush. It's ridiculous but I'm always chasing that feeling. It's led to some of my best adventures, and man do I love to adventure. I'm always trying to live my life to the fullest. 

15. Something I'm trying to change?

My mental health! This is something I've been working so hard on lately, more than ever before. Counseling is kicking my ass and I'm working through some tough shit but I want to be the best and healthiest version of myself that I can be. 

I tag all of you to do this if you want to! Tag me in it if you do it!

A/N: Comment your answers so we can all learn about each other!  This has been a nice break, Im getting back to work on the SM:AU series now. Im officially halfway through the series already, can you believe it?

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