SMAU: Treasures (Thor Odinson)

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A/N: I'm actually kind of proud of this one but please let me know what you guys think.

PROMPT: On your 18th birthday, you receive a special ring that has your soulmate's name engraved on it.

When my eighteenth birthday was finally dawning on me, I couldn't imagine being anymore ecstatic than I already was. Eighteenth birthdays were a big deal. On your eighteenth birthday, you receive a special ring that has your soulmate's name engraved on it. This ring is meant to connect you to your soulmate; to help guide you on your path to them until you found them. Legend had it, that when you found your soulmate you would know immediately by looking at their ring. It has always been rumored that our souls remember the ring that we 'gifted' to our soulmates, even if our conscious mind has no recollection of said event. My mother always told me that this was a built-in failsafe, a way to be confident beyond a doubt that you had found the one. If your soulmate had a common name such as "John Smith" it would be next to impossible to know if you had really found the right person. So somehow the universe gave us a way to be sure, a way to know that we had finally found the other half of our own souls.

I had grown up hearing stories about the origins of soulmates that I could only describe as otherworldly. My family had always been very 'mystical' and they had made sure to pass their legends down to me. My grandmother had always told me that at the beginning of time people had been created with four arms, four legs, and two heads. But they had shared one heart. Fearing their power, the gods split them apart; condemning them to spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half. She also told me that our souls had been forged in the cosmos of time and that they were made from fragments of the universe's first stars: that soulmates were both one half of a star, that they shared the same cosmic energy. But her and my mother had always been adamant that it was our destiny to find our soulmates; that our souls had been finding each other over and over since the beginning of time and that we owed it to our past selves to find them in this life. I had always thought that it was a magical way of thinking, but I couldn't deny that it was captivating to wonder about how two souls who were so perfect for each other; destined to be together, had come to be in the first place.

Whenever I asked my mother or grandmother about how something so enchanting had ever come to be in the first place, I always got the same answer from both of them. Both of them always insisted that we had soulmates simply because the god's had willed it so. That they had found it fitting for every living being to have a partner who was so perfectly suited for them, that their souls would seek each other out in every lifetime, every reincarnation. I had always found the idea beautiful and captivating. And although it was a beautiful way to think about it, I could hardly believe it to be the truth. "There are no gods in this world." I had always protested. It was a far stretch for me to believe in the notion that there was someone out there who I was meant to be with, regardless of what I thought about the matter. Gods were legends, they were made up, and no such thing existed within our universe, I was sure of it...

On the morning of my eighteenth birthday, I had woken up before the sun had even had a chance to rise above the horizon. I brewed myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed it on the patio before the rest of my family had the opportunity to wake up. I wanted a few moments alone with my thoughts and feelings before the course of my life was dramatically altered. With one simple piece of jewelry, I would become connected to another person for the rest of my life, a person who I would spend my foreseeable future looking for. My thoughts raced in my mind as I considered every possibility for the future that was waiting for me: what would he be like, would he be romantic? Would we have similar interests and hobbies? Would falling in love with him be as easy and effortless as breathing, or would loving my soulmate require much more work than I had originally thought? Would we be happy together? Would we get married and have a life together? Would it be everything I had always dreamed of? My chaotic train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when I took notice of my mother and my grandmother who had joined me on the patio.

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