SMAU: Oh, To Be You (Wanda Maximoff)

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A/N: HEY HEY! Sorry, I have been MIA so much lately, I have had so much school work to do that it wasn't even funny. I finally finished up the last of my assignments, and I have one more exam on Saturday and then I'm all yours! But until then, I decided to write this. All of you have been so patient and supportive while I focused on my academics for a few weeks, so this is my gift to you for being the best readers!

ALSO: This is the first time I've written for Wanda and I feel like this a really beautiful start/introduction for her into my little book here! Yes I am still planning on adding her to the preferences when I get around to it, for those of you who are wondering.

PROMPT: You get to spend 24 hours living as your soulmate, spending your time trying to figure out who your soulmate is.

I noticed the pounding headache before I had the chance to open my eyes. Trying my best to ignore the pulsating tension that was radiating throughout my entire head, I forced my eyes to open. Remaining in my same position, I began to take in the room around me, telling myself that if I could simply focus on my surroundings, and not the pain in my head, I would be alright. I started with the bed; the sheets, the pillows, how the mattress felt against my aching body. Shifting my focus from the bed, I studied the other adjournments in the room, to the dresser, the bookshelves, the quaint desk in the corner. Panic began to surge within my veins as I quickly shot up into a sitting position. This room; it wasn't my own. The panic only continued to build as I tore through my memories, desperately trying to come up with an answer to my own question: how had I ended up in somebody else's room?

I only came up empty as I desperately tried to recall the possible events that may have brought me here, but there was still only emptiness in my head as I searched through my mind. The last thing I remember was sitting at home on the couch, a glass of my favorite wine in hand, streaming the newest episode of (your favorite show), before heading to bed sometime after midnight. I hadn't left my home at all, how was it possible for me to be somewhere different entirely? The sense of anxiety only continued to bloom as I tried to narrow down the possibilities- had I been kidnapped? That would certainly explain how I had fallen asleep in my own bed, but woken up somewhere else, somewhere unfamiliar to me. If that was the case, I had to get out of here- now. Jumping from the bed, I rushed across the room to the closet, pulling out black leggings, a black hoodie, and sneakers, hoping they would help me to slip away unnoticed.

Charging towards the closed door, I threw it open with haste, desperate to make it back home. The door opened to reveal a long, expansive hallway. Each side of the hall littered with doors. Panic overwhelmed me once again, my fight or flight response kicking into overdrive. So many doors, so many choices; pick another door and hope it's a way out, or take a left, maybe a right, and hope to make it out alive. Hearing the sound of distant footfalls, I decided to take a right, running as quickly, and silently as I could down the vast hallway. At the end of the hallway, an elevator loomed before me, but I knew better than to jump on it. If I got on the elevator I would be a sitting duck; trapped while I waited for it to take me where I needed to go. Not to mention the extremely high risk of someone else joining me on the elevator. Knowing the risks, I ducked into the adjacent stairwell, my heart pounding in my chest as I took the stairs two, sometimes three at a time.

When the numbers in the stairwell indicated that I had reached the ground level, I leaned against the wall, my breath labored as I tried to catch it. I didn't need the sound of my ragged breathing giving me away as I made my escape. Peering through the small glass panel set into the heavy metal door, I surveyed the scene unfolding on the other side of the door. It was...suspiciously quiet, not a soul around to be seen. Provided that there weren't armed guards hiding out of my line of sight, I could quite easily walk right out the front door. After waiting a few more moments in the stairwell to make sure no one was coming, I made my move. I stalked through the open lobby, making a beeline through the front doors, keeping my hood pulled low over my face.

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