Chapter 12: Um...Sweat drop

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"Hey, wake up!" Lucy said shacking me softly.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

We were at history class, of course that I was gonna fall asleep!

Anyways, I woke up only to see a growling Lucy. She then said "This is no time to sleep! If Erza sees you, she's gonna kill you!"

I then said all sleepy "S-sorry Lucy but, I just woke up like at 12:00am to do the special homework of math, that I had totally forgotten to do."

She sighed, trying to calm down, and said "It's alright but, this lesson is gonna be for our next test so you better pay attention." I nodded and started, I mean, tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. I was just looking outside the window, bored of course, watching that Lucy didn't cached me looking outside. Today was a really good sunny day. I loved these days, maybe today I can go for a walk around the neighborhood and meet new people. But, I'm just saying, I still don't know if I might have a lot of homework.

The bell rang and we were up for the next class, science. I sat next to my partner, Loki, which was putting his back pack on the floor. I sat next to him and said with a grin "Hey Loki, how are you?"

He smiled and said "I'm good, how about you?"

"Great! So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I think that we have a quiz today." He replied while I looked at him shocked and screamed "What?! A quiz?! I haven't studied!"

He laughed and said "I'm just joking, calm down."

I then looked at him as he laughed. I then sighed and said "Why did you say that?! I almost get a heart attack!" I said. He smiled and said "Just to bother you." I smiled and laughed and said "You sure are good with that."


The teacher stood in front of the class and said "Alright class today... Gray and Natsu! You are at a classroom not at the park!" I laughed evilly without being noticed and said "He he he... stupid Gray."

"Miss Fumiko." The teacher said serious.

And I thought "Man! He heard me!"

"May you please change with mister Natsu here?" He asked nicely while I thought "What?! Why me? Wait, does that mean that I need to be with HIM?! There is no way."

I nodded shyly, of course that I was gonna do it! If I said no and shook my head, who knows what could've happen?! Like detention or something!

So, I sat down next to Fullbuster. I'm just gonna saw like Shikamaru Nara(From Naruto),"What a drag." I thought.

We didn't talked, guess the teacher was right about those two shutting up this way. I then whispered to him(Gray) "Great, now I'm stuck with you."

He then whispered back "Is not like I like this too, ya know?"

I rolled my eyes and said "It seems that we finally agree on something."

He smirked and I smirked back.


This time, it pretty weird. Natsu, Gray, Happy, Wendy, Carla, and Mira sat with us. I didn't find it weird that they were sitting with us, the only thing that I found weird was that Natsu was eating everything with hot sauce and Gray with ice. I totally sweat dropped and then Erza said "Hey Fumiko, I had seen lately that Gray and you had been getting along."

I shook my head and said " The guy is so annoying! We are always discussing! I don't even want to be with the guy!"

"Is not like I wanna be with you either!" He said.

"Geez... You can be so annoying sometimes!"

"Me?! You're the annoying one!"

We growled at each other and the girls and the guys laughed.

Erza then said "Fumiko, today at 6:00pm, us of the student's council are going for karaoke. Wanna come?"

"It's fun you should really come!" Lisanna added.

I nodded and they cheered and did high fives, I looked at them suspiciously with my hand under my chin and thought "What are they thinking of?"

The bell rang and they told me that we, today, were taking P.E with mister Scorpio. So, I went to the locker room and putted on the P.E uniform. Which was a white t-shirt, with royal blue short shorts with a white Fairy tail mark, and some white sneakers. I went to the court and as everyone else, sat down on the bleachers next to my friends. A man walked in the center of the court and said "Wicked! What's up young students! Today we will practice some volleyball. Choose your team mate wisely. One of you will be at one side of the net and the other at the other side. You will volley the ball to each other. Got it?"

I sweat dropped at his explanation. I then thought "Couldn't he do a demonstration instead?"

I then heard Natsu whispering to Gray,

Natsu whispered "Bet Fumiko is gonna be great at this."

"Yeah right." Gray replied sarcastically.

I growled and pointed at them and said "Shut up you two!"

Then mister Scorpio smirked at me and said "Miss Fumiko, choosing Gray fullbuster. Alright then, you can go here." He pointed at an area at the court and I shook my head and said "No no no! I was just-"

"Wicked! You should hurry and get down here." Scorpio interrupted me and I groaned and so did Gray.

I stood in the left side leaving Gray at the right side. I volleyed the volleyball and Gray said "Ya know, if you want to hit it right, you should throw it higher."

I nodded and did as he said. He smirked and I glared at him and said "What?"

"Nothing, just that this is the first time that you listen to me."

I shrugged and he volleyed the ball back and I said "Well, it is better than getting in trouble."

He smirked again and I smirked at him back. We kept doing our exercise until mister Scorpio said "Alright! Wicked! Now, you may leave. Class is over. Now I must be going on a date with Aquarius. Wicked!"

He left and I sweat dropped and said "Is it me or, do those two always brag about each other? And why does he say wicked! so much?"

Lisanna shrugged and said, "That's his catch phrase."

After that, I changed to my school uniform, and went outside. As I walked home, I took a look at my watch and saw that it was just 5:30pm! I had about 20 minutes to get to the karaoke!

I went running home, took a shower, and putted a purple t-shirt with a white skirt, until my knees, and some purple flats. I got my purple purse and ran to the karaoke.

(A/N: Kon'nichiwa minna! I just wanted to know, how much do you think that Fumiko hates Gray? Tell me by the comments from 1-10. Arigato gozaimasu minna!)

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