Chapter 108: Frozen Heart

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I arrived to New York, U.S.A. I was once again where I was once. Gray and I walked through this city and these streets together. I remember, right back when we used to hate each other so much, that I didn't wanted to even shoot a glance at him. But now, things are different, I love Gray and I want to be with him.

The city shinning with its lights. I could see in every corner Gray and I walking around. Coming back to New York sure brought memories.

I kept on walking, until I saw the hotel where Gray and I had stayed in. I stood there, just looking at it, a smile forming on my lips. I saw one of the employees and looked at her walking towards me. She stood in front of me with a smile and holding an envelope. "Excuse me, but are you Fumiko?" She asked, I blushed, and nodded, in disbelief; shocked. She handed me the envelope without hesitation. "Really, I've been looking for you since a long time. I knew that you had purple eyes and hair." She gasped, before continuing. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I was curious and opened the letter. It seems, that this Gray Fullbuster feels something for you really special." She apologized, my eyes widen in shock at Gray's name. I opened the envelope and saw that it was Gray's letter. "Seriously, I began to act like a high school girl fangirling at their favorite band. It was truly beautiful written." She kept on talking as I read the letter. I read it halfway and decided to put it away inside my purse. I smiled at the woman. "Thank you for handing me this letter," I turned around and kept on walking, waving at her. "Goodbye!" I exclaimed.

"That letter..." I thought, making my way to a bus stop. I stopped walking and thought of getting a taxi better.

"Taxi!" I called out.

"Taxi!" I heard Gray's voice. I looked towards my left to see my old self and Gray.

"Gray, just give up." My old self said.

"Taxi!" Gray called again.

"What? You wanna walk around New York City and try to find the hotel?" Past Gray said.

"Well," My old self mumbled: "That's not a bad plan."

He flicked my old self's forehead as she, my old self, groaned in pain and he said, "Can't you be patient?"

"Yes, but when I am with people like you, I tend to have a short temper." She replied.

"I remember now, that day. I hated him so much, that I could put his face underground like an ostrich." I laughed at my own thought, making everyone around me look at me. I blushed, embarrased. After a taxi came to pick me up, I told him the adress that he had to take me. I looked at my left and right to see the big city.


After I paid him, he drove off. I turned around with my traveling bags and purse. I sighed, as I made my first step towards my grandparents house. I hesitated on knocking on the door, after 5 minutes, I knocked. "Coming!" I heard my mother's voice. Mom opened the door and hugged me before I could even speak. "Fumiko, we missed you so much!" Mom said, her voice cracking. "Izumi, let our daughter breath." My father, Akio, said, with a chuckle. But that comment just made it worst, as she just hugged me tighter. I smirked and sighed. "She sure missed me." I thought. I entered with my luggage and hugged dad. "How are you, dad?" I asked, sounding concerned. Dad hugged me back and smiled. "The real question is: "How are you doing, Fumiko?" Dad asked me, I giggled, and answered: "I'm fine," I stopped hugging dad and began to look around the house. "But where's grams and gramps?"

Dad and mom held hands. Dad chuckled. "They went to do some shopping, if you want, you can start settling on your new room upstairs." Mom assumed, I raised an eyebrow. "My new room, here, upstairs?" I asked, my parents nodded. "Yeah," Dad began to say. "We are living here for now until we can buy a new house." Dad explained. I nodded and made my way upstairs. I looked around, hoping to find an empty room. I turned to the right, and at the end of the hallway, found a door half open. I walked towards it, slowly, I rotated the door knob, and entered. "So, this is my room now." I thought, as I put my luggage on the bed. It kind of looked like my old room. I sat on a chair and put my purse on an empty bookshelf. I looked at the window and smiled. "The faster I get used to this, the better it will be." I thought, a loud. I sat on the bed and grabbed the letter from my purse. I sighed, before opening the envelope. I took the letter and unfold it. I read it, without any hesitation:

Frozen Heart (OC x Gray)Where stories live. Discover now