Chapter 23: Blue Pegasus

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Finally! Today is the day when the games, or field day, begin!

We had taken the bus to Blue Pegasus high. We took our bags and got off the bus.

"I'm so excited!" Said an excited Levi.

We went to meet Bob, the principle of Blue Pegasus high.

"Oh, why hello there!" He told us girls as we sweat dropped seeing him girl clothes?

I then smiled eyes closed as he looked at me, "Oh, are you new?" He asked.

I nodded and replied. "Yes, my name is Fumiko."

He giggled, "Well those are good news."

I smiled eyes closed. And when I opened them, my eyes, again. I saw him hugging Gray and Natsu saying "Well it has been awhile sense I've seen you two."

I sweat dropped and pointed at him and Lucy said "Yeah, that's normal."

Gray and Natsu screamed, "Get this guy off of us!"

I laughed quietly and then 4 guys came up to me. One with light brown hair and blue eyes. Another blonde with green eyes and the last one, black hair and black eyes.

They surrounded me and the blonde one said "Hey there, I'm Eve, would you like to have a little brother?"

Then the one with light brown hair said "Hibiki, I think that you're kinda cute."

And the one with black hair, "Ren, what's up cutie."

He then grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then an ugly man came with weird looking hair and a big chin said, "Ahhh, perfume! Beautiful girl, wanna go out with me?"

I then shook my head at all of them and then the short one, the ugly one, said "I'm Ichiya, pleasure to meet a beauty like you."

I shook my head and gave some steps backwards and ran away as they followed me.

"You wouldn't leave your little brother alone, would you?" Eve said as he followed me. I just ran around Blue pegasus high screaming, "Leave me alone you pervs!"

Lucy then told Erza, "Poor Fumiko."

Erza nodded arms crossed until Ichiya came, from nowhere, behind her and said "I sure haven't forgotten about you, miss Erza."

Erza shivered and punched him saying "Leave me alone you freak!"

"Maaaaaaan!" He said as he flew in the air.

So, yeah, I guess this is how I met Blue Pegasus, not in the best way, but I met new people and new pervy friends.

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