Chapter 57:Stuck in the storm (GaLe) part 1

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Gajeel and I were walking until the rain started falling. I grabbed his wrist, "Gajeel! Let's go!"

"Hold it, I've got a jacket."

He took his jacket off showing some scars that he had on his right arm. He covered our heads. I looked at him as I blushed, our faces were so close from one another. He got closer to me but then gave a step back and smirked. He patted my head, "Man, you're sure really tiny."

I sweat dropped, "Um...thanks?"

"Lets go to my house, we can probably rest there or something."

I blushed and stuttered, "Y-your house?"

He turned around, "Yeah, something wrong?"

I shook my head. We walked to his house as he held his jacket. We got to his house, and all I saw was a mess! I could see clothes on the floor,on the kitchen,everywhere!

I shivered and he gave me some clothes of his, I grabbed it,and went to his bathroom. His house was just of one floor, it was really nice. I put on the clothes that he had given me. It was a red shirt pj and some black shorts. The red shirt pj had a basketball logo. It was super baggy but it was nice. I went outside and stepped on something. I took my feet off it and screamed. It was a stinky underwear. I pinched my nose as he came and picked it up, he walked towards the laundry and put it on the laundry.

I then got my tongue out of disgust, "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." He said with a grin.

"You think?! That was gross. I mean, look at this place!" I said pointing everywhere. He just shrugged it off as I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, I looked at him shocked and nodded as I blushed. I kind of like Gajeel, I mean, he, out of being mean and rude, has a nice side.

Anyways, we sat down on the couch to watch some t.v. We saw the news which they said that there was a storm which was until this Sunday so, I am stuck with Gajeel since then. I fall asleep on the coach and all I remember was telling him goodnight and he saying the same.

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