Chapter 34: Laxus

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Monday, meaning today there's going to be P.E with Aquarius' boyfriend, Scorpio. Which every time that I see them together, I just need to sweat drop. *Sigh*

Anyways, I was running through the hall as I was getting late to class for falling at sleep late and my stupid alarm clock sounded at 7:45 instead of 7:00am. As I ran, with my super heavy book bag on my back and 2 textbooks around my arms, I accidentally bumped someone and fell to the ground, leaving my textbooks and papers all around the floor. I then rubbed my forehead as I groan in pain.

"Can't you watch where your going kid?"

A masculine voice said, I looked up to see the same guy from before. The blonde with green eyes and a lighting scratch on his right eye.

I then took my textbooks, stood up, and pointed at the guy. "Couldn't you move out of the way?!"

He then screamed at me back, "Do you even know who are you taking to?!"

"Don't know, don't care!"

"I'm a senior you know!"

"So what?!"

We both growled at each other as I then heard the bell rang and said "Ugh! Now I'm going to be late and it's all your fault!"

"My fault?! I wasn't the one running around!"

I pouted and said "Ahhh! I am going now!"


"Great!" I responded as he walked away and I marched angrily towards my classroom.

I got to the classroom and opened the door and the teacher said "Oh, miss Fumiko, you seem to be late, again."

I sighed.

This wasn't the first time, remember all those times that I said that I had sat next to Lucy, well, in some of those days I was late.

I sighed in defeat and sat next to Lucy.
See, an example right there.

Lucy looked at me worried and said "Are you ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just that some senior jerk stood in my way at the hallway."

"You don't mean Laxus, right?"

"Is that the guy's name? *Shrug* Well, I guess that's him."

Lucy looked at me shocked and said, "Are you serious?! Do you even know who he is?!"

"Pure coincidence, he said the same thing."

"He is the grandson of principal Makarov!"

I looked at her shocked and said "What?! Are you serious?! But how? The guy was a total jerk!"

"Yeah, might be, but he IS the grandson of principal Makarov."

I shrugged like not caring and said "Oh well, I'm doomed."

And that is the terrifying way that I met Laxus. Nice to tell you it.

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