Chapter 19: Under the starry sky

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Last time with Fumiko:

I stood up from my seat and stood up in front of them with my eyes red, purple fire on the background, and words that said "run!" in kanji. I then said "Would you too just shut up already!" I pointed at Natsu and said "You! Quit eating everything with hot sauce and trying to pick a fight!" I pointed at Gray "And you stop getting half naked and eating everything with ice and just shut up!"


Anyways, I walked home and then decided to just go outside at night. I sat on the stairs in front of my house. It was so silent and peaceful. I then saw a beautiful firefly. It then flew away and I followed it just like a scene from a movie. I then followed it to a little small mountain which from there you could see the city and the stars from the sky. The little firefly flew away and I laid down watching the sky. I putted my headphones on and started listening to music as I looked at the sky.


I was walking shirtless through the sidewalk and said, "Man, I just have to relax. Maybe if I go to that hill where I always go, I might relax." I walked towards the hill where I always go and stare at the sky peacefully.

I then laid on the grass and stretched until I felt... hair? I touched it and it wasn't grass, it was hair.

"W-who are you?!" I heard a girly voice say.

I then sat down and said "I don't know, who are you?"

"And why would I tell you?!" The girly voice said.

I then laid back on the ground and said "And right when I thought that I could relax."

"Well, you aren't the only one."

I then thought "Man, I wish that I could see who is this girl. She sounds so familiar."

"Hey," The girly voice said "What does... a guy like you do here?"

I shrugged and said "Nothing, I just... look at the sky and hear the crickets sing."

"Oh, ya know. It's weird that you are talking with a girl that you don't know and see 'cause is so dark."

I chuckled and said "Yeah, I guess so."

We both sighed.


This guy, the guy that I totally don't know, is so cool. I mean, yeah I might not see him and all but, just by his voice, I feel like I could trust him.


I then said "Ya know, how could you trust me?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean, like, how can you trust me. I mean, what happens if I try to rape you or something?"

"Well... you would totally regret it, because I will give you a kick and a punch that you would never forget."

I then looked at the sky shocked and said "I might not see you but, you sure sound creepy."

"Well... that ain't something nice to say."

I chucked with a smirk and said "Hmph... it's nice to talk to someone who is normal."

"You think I'm normal?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, you sound pretty cool."

"Well... I think that you sound cool too, whoever you are.Why don't we just... ask questions about our selves?" She asked and I replied, "Ok, sounds cool."

"Ok... um... what's your favorite color?" She asked.

"Blue, and yours?"

"Lilac, it's like a really light purple. What about... um... favorite song or song category?"

"Probably pop." I said.

We kept talking all night about ourselves. Ya know, talking to someone like her, makes me feel happy somehow.


This guy can be my friend! Even if we don't know each other, I feel like I know him! He is so cool, he is way better than idiot Gray. I wish that I could see him somehow.

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