Chapter 3: Natsu Dragneel; The idiot

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We were at math, and I was doing a really hard exercise. At least Levy sits next to me, so I asked her to help me. I even asked her to be my tutor.

After the bell rang, we went to Science. As I walked through the hall, a boy with salmon hair and black eyes came running towards me. I think it was Natsu...

Anyways, he came running towards me screaming "Get out of the way!" I stood shocked and he fell right on top of me. He then stared at me and grinned. He scratched the back of his head and said "Sorry about that, Fumiko, right?"

I nodded and said "Yeah... can you get off of me now?"

"Oh... sorry."

He stood up and gave me a hand to stand up. I then looked at him and asked "Why were you running anyways?"

"Oh, I only had about 3 minutes to get to science."

"Science?" I thought and I panicked looking that there was no one on the halls! "OMG! We're late for science!"

I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me confused with a 'huh?' face. I then dragged him to the science class and when we got there I said "Sorry I'm late!"

The teacher sighed and Gray said "Nice entrance you two!"

I then looked at my right and forgot that I had Natsu's wrist! I let it go of his wrist and I pointed at Gray and said "Ya know, why don't you just keep those comments to yourself!"

"Miss Fumiko! Sit down now!" The teacher demanded.

I rushed to take a seat next to my partner, .who now is a guy with glasses and light brown hair. Natsu sat next to Gray.

I growled and thought "Natsu, that idiot! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't had been in trouble."

I felt that someone poked my shoulder, I turned my head, and saw my partner. He then smiled and said "Hi Fumiko, I'm Loke Guess we are partners now."

I nodded and said "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He nodded nicely and I thought "This guy seems ok for being a partner in science."


I sat with my friends, we talked, and we laughed.

"Hey Fumiko, what's up with you and Natsu?" Asked Erza.

I then crossed my arms and said "Nothing, he is just an idiot that's all."

They looked at me confused and I sighed. I then mumbled "He fell on top of me and that's why I got late."

"Did you guys, like, kiss?" Asked Lisanna surprised. I shook my and said "No! Of course not!"

They all 'phew' and I asked "Why?"

Lucy then whispered "Because, as you say he is an idiot."

"Lu! Don't be like that!" Levy said.

Lucy shrugged and said "I-It's the true."

We looked at her suspiciously and she blushed. I then whispered to her "Lucy, do you like him?"

"No! He is an idiot! Just like you said! Why in the world would I like him?!" Lucy said and Erza then said "Hey, calm down Lucy."

"Yeah, just relax."
Lisanna said.

Lucy sighed and said "Is it really that obvious?"

We nodded and she sighed. I smirked and putted my hand on her shoulder. "Lucy, it's alright if you like him or not. Even if you do, we won't judge you because you like him."

She smirked and said "Thanks, Fumiko."

I winked and said "It was just a little advice."

We ate our lunch and heard a girl screaming. We rushed outside and...

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