Chapter 64: Back to school, finally

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"Ugh!" Lucy moaned loudly as she grabbed her head and banged her forehead on the desk.

" something wrong?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She turned her head with a nod, "Yeah, I'm just tired 'cause I was stuck from Friday to Sunday at Natsu's house. Meaning that all my stuff of school were home."

I rolled my eyes, "Tell me about it."

She sat up and turned to me and asked with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

I sighed, and glanced at her, "Well...I kinda stood in Gray's-"

"What?! No way!" She screamed loud enough for the other students in the classroom to hear.

She continued, "Did you guys..."

I shook my head, "No! We didn't!"

She sighed in relief and I said, "So, now we have a bunch of homework,right?"


We both sighed in defeat as we looked up.

"Hey Luce," Natsu said as he walked towards us and sat next to her. He put his arm around her neck and kissed her cheek, "How are you?"

"I'm fine and tired." She replied with her hand on her cheek and her elbow on the desk.

"Huh?" Natsu said as he looked and Lucy confused. I turned around, "She says that 'cause she stood in your house meaning that all her school stuff were at her house," I sighed, "Meaning that now she has a bunch of homework."

Natsu looked at Lucy, "Same here," Lucy and I looked at him shocked. "Yeah, I mean, I had to take care of my girlfriend, which was my guest at home, and I didn't had time either." Lucy blushed at his comment.

"Oh," Natsu snapped and looked at me with a smirk, "Gray couldn't do his homework either so, we're all even on that."

"Yeah..." I said as I looked to the floor but turned around to keep writing on my notebook and coping from the board. Gray and Juvia arrived, Juvia was staring at her phone sadly as Gray had rejected her on Instagram. Gray sat next to my right, were Levi sits, and dropped his book bag on the floor.

I cleared my throat, "What?" He asked.

"That Levi sits there."

He shrugged, "I don't see her here."

"So, that doesn't mean that you can seat there."

He just ignored me, he was acting pretty unusual today.

"Hey guys!" Entered Levi at the classroom, Gray stood up and I waved, "Later."

"Later." He replied with a smirk as Levi sat to my right.

"What's up with him?" Levi asked pointing at Gray which he was sitting next to Natsu. I looked at him, shrugged, and replied, "I don't know, it's pretty weird."


The teacher cleared his throat, as he stood up in front of the classroom, grabbing our attention.

"Welcome back students," Everyone groaned, "Now, now, I know that you hate school but we must come. Now, as you know, December is getting closer,"

(A/N: Remember that classes start in September, right now they are in the 2 last weeks of November. Sorry if I didn't do a Halloween chapter, I do not celebrate it and decided to don't do one.)

"We are going to have a festival!" Everyone cheered and started to whisper.

"Calm down everyone," Everyone payed attention to the teacher.

"Now, this festival will be like a carnival but this is Fairy Tail's festival. You may invite whoever you want in this festival, since it is of Thanksgiving."

Everyone began to whisper again. I thought as I looked at the floor,
"Invite ? Whoever I want? But who? Yuki and her family maybe? I mean, I can invite Lyon and Sherry or maybe...." An image of Ichiya, Hibiki, Eve, and Ren appeared on my head. I shook my head, and thought, "No way I'm inviting those guys! Not that I want to be mean but, they always want to be with me and stalk me!"

"Hey Fumiko," Said Lisanna.


"Who are you planing on inviting?"

I smiled eyes closed, "I don't know but, I have some people in mind."

She nodded.


I sighed as I finished eating.

"Are you full?" Asked Lily. (A/N: Panther lily).

"Yep!" I smiled eyes closed.

"Hey everyone!" Said Wendy as she sat down with her plate on hand.

"Carla!" Said Happy trying to hug Carla but she invaded it.

"Hey Wendy!" We all replied.

"I heard that we, Fairy Tail High, are the only ones that can invite to go to the festival." I heard a girl say to the other as they walked right pass us.

"Nah Uh, I heard that some new High schools are coming." The other girl replied.

"Really? Which ones?"

"I don't know, some called Mermaid heel, Sabertooth, and way more."

"Really? Who would've thought that there were more schools in here."

"I know right."

The girls left and I thought, "So, there're more schools than the ones that we know. Weird."

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