Chapter 15:Walking home (Carla x Happy)

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Happy was walking me home which I find annoying. He is always staring at me. And other people find it weird because he is a grade older than me even though that is not true. He was supposed to be in 9th grade like me but was jumped by "intelligence" to 10th grade. He is just a tomcat.

I was walking with my arms crossed as he was just staring at me with heart shaped eyes. I rolled my eyes and he said "Carla, I bet that if you had singed, you would've had a beautiful voice."

I looked at him shocked and blushed. I then growled and said "Why are you saying that?! I suck at singing!"

He shook his head and said "Well, I wouldn't think that. Because you without singing, your voice is still beautiful."

I blushed deep red and said "A-And who asked you that?! Who wanted your opinion anyways?!"

He looked down and said "I-I just wanted to make you feel better."

"Well you didn't! Hmph!" I crossed my arms and looked away.


Geez... since when is she so mean like that. I mean, as I said, I was just trying to make her feel better. I really like Carla, I would do anything to make her feel better.

As we walked, there was a full awkward silence. I looked at her but she was just looking the other way. I wonder what can I do to make her smile.

As we walked, I saw some flowers. And lucky for me, they were roses. I took some while she wasn't looking and gave it too her. She blushed deep red and said "H-happy."

I grinned and said "These are for you. I hope that you like them."

She took them and hold them tightly. I think that I saw her smirk a little.


Now he gave me flowers. I feel my face heating up! But, why? My heart skipped a beat when he gave it to me. Why? I took them and hugged them tightly. They smelled good and they were beautiful! I sure couldn't had wished for more. Just some roses and a grinning tomcat made me happy.

I guess that that is why his nickname is Happy. Because he makes people smile and get happy.

Once we got to my house, he stood in front of me and said "It was nice walking by your side tonight."

I nodded and before he turned around, I kissed his cheek and I could see him blushing and stood there as a statue. I then giggled a little as I saw him blushed and not blink. I then closed the door slowly. "Thank you for the roses." I said.


Carla kissed my cheek, Carla kissed my cheek, Carla kissed my cheek! I can't believe it! Does that mean that she likes me?! Or is it just of friends?! I can't believe it!

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