Chapter 86: A day with Gray and Lyon

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"Tomorrow we will go to the park or the arcade and be there like the 3 good friends that we are, okay?" Those were the words that kept repeating on Gray's and Lyon's head as they walked through the park sighing in defeat. Gray had an unbutton red shirt with black shorts. Lyon had a light blue button shirt with beige shorts.

"Lyon," Gray began, "is this our punishment for making her a prank?"

Lyon shrugged at Gray's comment, "At least is to just hang out with her."

"Yeah, but, where?!"

They sighed in defeat in unison.

"Hey guys!" I waved hi as I stood next to the bus stop. I had a lilac t-shirt, with a white little puffy skirt, and some purple low heels. I also had a white cross over purse.

They walked towards me, "Fumiko," Lyon asked, "where are we going?"

"You'll see." I turned to the bus, which had arrived. I pointed at each of them narrowing my eyes, "Oh yeah! You guys have to pay by the way."

They looked at each other as they sighed.


We were at the bus sitting down. Lyon and Gray sat to my right as I had my earbuds on.

Gray whispered to Lyon, "Where do you think that we are going?"

Lyon shrugged, "I have no idea but, I hope that it's a good place."

Gray nodded in agreement. The bus stopped and I stood up. I smiled eyes closed, "Come on guys, let's go." I told them as they stared at each other confused. We got down of the bus to see a huge park. It was full of kids playing around, dogs training, love birds, etc...

I turned around as they went down the last two steps of the bus. I smiled eyes closed, "Do you like this place?"

They shrugged, "Yeah," Gray asked,"but, why are we here?"

I shrugged and looked away, "Well... we aren't actually going to be here."

"What do you mean?" Lyon asked.

"Well, we are actually climbing a small hill and be up there to hang out."

They both sweat dropped, "Hang out, eh?" Gray asked.

A mad mark appeared on my forehead, "Well, at least we didn't went to the mall to buy myself clothes and made you carry all of my bags!"

They shivered and Lyon agreed, "Yeah, we are great here, right Gray?"

"Y-yeah, that is perfect." Gray agreed as he shivered.

I turned around with a small hair flip, "That's what I thought. Well, let's go!" I began to walk through a path in the park. Gray and Lyon walked behind me as Lyon whispered to Gray, "Ya know, Fumiko is treating us nicely after what we did to her."

Gray whispered back, "I know, it's weird."

"We're here!" I exclaimed as I put my hands on my hips. Gray and Lyon looked up to see a sign. The sign to the right had a waterfall picture, and to the left, it had a hill picture. The forest was divided between two parts, each with two different paths.

I pointed to the left, "There, through there is the hill."

"Can't we go to the waterfall?" Gray asked.

"Yeah, I agree with Gray on this one." Added Lyon.

I crossed my arms as I turned around, "I don't have a bathing suit! Who am I to go to the waterfall?!"

They sighed in defeat. I turned around with a smile and a wink, "Anyways, I have a feeling that it'll be fun!" I began to walk as they followed me lazily. But, what none of us knew, was that the signs were changed by a certain someone.

Frozen Heart (OC x Gray)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن