Chapter 54: Test

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"W-what is this?!" I whispered as I saw the test of science on my table.

"It's a test." Gray replied annoyed as I banged my head on the table.

"Why did we needed to miss school?!"

"YOU were the one who was like," He then imitated my voice, "I'm so excited to see mommy and daddy and go to New York!"

"I don't talk like that!"

"See how bad it feels."

I opened my mouth to talk but, instead, I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Hey Gray," I said, "Why do you think that the teacher hasn't shut us up?"

He shrugged, "Probably 'cause he knows that we know absolutely nothing about this test."

I banged my head on the table again, "I hate this class right now."

Gray mumbled, "Glad that she didn't say that she hated me."

"What was that?" I asked, he shook his head, "Nothing!"

I nodded and tried to do the test. But, it was useless! Too many equations, too many elements, too many numbers, too many words, too many electrons, too many science! There was just a lot on that test.

I grabbed my head as I sweat. Gray saw me struggle and he smirked but I looked at him and I could see how he was struggling as well. I took the pencil and tried to answer the question but finished groaning and moaning. I tried to see at Gray's paper but he covered it and smirked, I then gave him a look that said, "Really? Come on, we are in the same problem over here."

I just looked around at everyone doing their tests, even Natsu seemed concentrated. I sighed and turned my seat and started going round and round. I began singing quietly the song of Selena Gomez called "Round and round."

Gray stopped my chair making me tremble and almost loose my balance. I gasped but held on from his
shoulder. He then said annoyed, without getting his eyes off the paper, "Seriously Fumiko, try at least to keep yourself quiet." I pouted like a little girl and got closer to his face and started poking his cheek, "Poke...poke..." I then saw him looking at me by the corner of his eyes, to see me,but put his eyes back to the paper. I then said, in a teasingly voice, "Mr. Gray is pretty concentrated, huh?" He then gave me a creepy glare, which made me shocked. He patted my head, -_- still looking at his paper, and I saw him smirk as I blushed. I tried to do my test with my tongue out, as for concentration, and when the test was over. The teacher said "Good now, just remember that this is your review."

That last word just came echoing in my mind, "Review,review, review..." I then pouted and screamed "Are you serious?!" Everyone laughed at my expression and they said that it was a prank for me and Gray. In the end, we took the test next week, and guess what?! I got a 95% A! Yaaay!

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