And... ACTION!!!!!

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Author: Ok! I've decided! I'm gonna let you guys be the judge for who will be in the "The Boys" story I'm making.

Author: First off, I have went back and saw what you guys had commented about who should go to that world.

Author: Here's what I had:

-Storm for Stormfront

-Quicksilver for A-Train

-Monica Ramboau for Starlight.

-Captain Marvel and Thor for Homelander

-Black Panther for Black Noir

-Gamora for Queen Maeve

And for a special: Aquaman for The Deep.

Wade: Author? Aquaman isn't Marve-

Author: Shut the fuck up Wade, Jason Momoa is the coolest fucking water type I know of.

Author: So, if you guys want these guys I've listed in the boys, Comment "Assemble." If you want Kratos and Atreus, comment "Boy". Either way, Aquaman's gonna be in it.

Kiko just looked at all the two young men and came to them, analyzing them too. First was Kurt...

Kiko: Strong, handsome, hot, a fighter at heart but has a childish personality, which makes him lovable.

Kurt: Huh?

Then Miles...

Kiko: Cool, Suave, go with the flow, and has a chill vibe to him...

She took a step back and looked at the MHA four, along with Kurt and Miles and froze...

Miles: Uh...

Gwen: What's her deal?

Momo: I-I'm sorry. Kiko-

Kiko then clapped her hands and said...

Kiko: Alright people! Let get into position!

Izuku/Katsuki/Eijiro/Shoto/Miles/Kurt: Position?

She began positioning the boys somewhere along the rooms, making the girls look at her weirdly.

Katuski: OI!!!!

Kiko: You over here.

Eijiro: Uh-

Kiko: You right there.

Shoto: ?

Kiko: Of course you'll be here.

Izuku: Um-

Kiko: And you? I'm gonna need you at the front.

Momo took Kiko by the hand and said...

Momo: K-Kiko you can't!

Kiko: Just one episode.

Kitty: Episode?

Toru: She must be talking about her new show "River In The Lake", heheh it's so good.

Ochako: Whats it about?

Toru: Drama, drama, and more drama. A girl's brother was killed and everyone's on edge cause they don't know who the killer is. So all the teenagers have to deal with their parents keeping secrets while also watching out for each other in case one of them is the killer.

Wade: Author, isn't that Riverda-

Author: Shut up, Wade.

Kyoka: Wow... that... sound so... what's the word?

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