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Author: Guys? Listen...


SG: But... we are getting dangerously close to the end.

Wade: Like the END end. All of the Cannon is in DBS world...

Author: And it... is going... to get SUPER crazy. I had fun giving you guys the Omake chapter and I know I started two more.

Angie: Which is why he's asking if he should keep going with this.

SG: Again, I'm not rushing it, I learned my lesson the first time.

Wade: If you guys want us to, we'll just stop the omakes and focus on the Cannon...

Author: Or keep going like we are. Remember, it all stops at the end of this book and it's clear I'm not gonna finish any of them Omakes anyway, that's why I'm asking you guys what I should do.

Wade: We we're gonna try and give you guys at least one more anyway because of that.

Angie: The next DBS chapters... are going to be CRAZY.

SG: No like, seriously, we're in his head and it's catastrophic up here.

Wade: We're talking at least two or three chapters worth of this stuff, each at least 4000 - 6000 - maybe even 12000 words full of actions and emotion.

Author: I can guarantee you that you will not know what will happen in these chapters... but it's all up to you guys...

Angie: Bo more Omakes and we focus on the Cannon. Or we keep going as we are... choose wisely.

Warbird: Izuku Where stories live. Discover now