Chapter 8: Friday

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Y/n POV:
"Are you coming to the game tonight?" Tom asked as we approached our locker.

"I guess so" I responded.

"I guess so" Tom said mocking me.

"Fine I won't go then" I said putting in the locker combination.

"No please come! It's an away game so we can get food after" Tom explained. He always tried to bribe me with food even though I've been trying to cut back. My relationship with food is not healthy currently there would be some days where I wouldn't eat anything and I think Tom was starting to notice.

"Fine I'll go" I said opening the locker. Tom smiled as he grabbed a book.

"Sam can drive you if you want" Tom offered.

"Would Paddy be in the car too?" I asked.

"No. He has some science fair thing tonight" Tom explained.

"Well I have to go pick him up now anyways" I explained.

"Oh yeah right" Tom said closing the locker. "I'll see you later?" I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me before we parted. I picked up paddy and we went to the Holland household. Usually we would play chess or watch TV but he said that he needed to work on his science project so I just watched TV by myself. Soon the door opened and Sam entered the house.

"Hey y/n" he said joining me on the couch. Sam and I have gotten closer since my parents had gotten into town.

"Hey" I said still focused on the TV.

"I have a question for you" he explained.

"Ask away" I responded turning down the television and looking over at him.

"Are you and Tom dating now?" He asked.

"Ew no" I responded trying not to laugh.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. Why?" I replied.

"Well I mean you guys do everything couples do. You walk in the halls together, snuggle, hug and he kisses your cheek all the time. Last night he spent the entire night with you just so that you could study for the Spanish test" Sam explained.

"He told you about the Spanish test?" I asked.

"Yes because he won't shut up about you. That's why I was just wondering" he said shrugging before getting up and heading into their kitchen.

Make sure you wear your seatbelt. Sam sucks at driving.

Okay I will. Make sure you don't lose. That would be embarrassing.

I will try my best not to lose. Just to save you from embarrassment.

As you should.

Also it's cold so if you didn't pack anything warm you can use my clothes. Just don't make them smell like perfume.

But if I don't spray perfume on them then they smell like boy.

I smell like boy?

Yes that's why I must use the perfume. I don't want to smell stinky.

I'm not stinky.

Try to keep telling yourself that.

Just dress warm. I have to go.

Bye bye. I will be using perfume :)

My "best friend" (reader x Tom holland)Where stories live. Discover now