Chapter 52: Saturday

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Y/n POV-
Last night the hospital staff sent me home because I was not allowed to stay there overnight. Of course I was upset but with such a stressful night it was very nice just to go and get some rest. I woke up to Tessa next to me, in the spot where Tom should have been. He has his surgery today and I know that he is worried, after all this could ruin the ending of his senior soccer season. I decided that I would bring him a change of his own clothes as well of some of his hygiene products because I figured that he would not have access to those at the hospital. I checked in with the front desk at the hospital and made my way to Tom's room. I lightly knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard Tom explain from the other side of the door. I opened it and as soon as he saw me a smile spread over his beautiful face.

"I brought you some goodies." I explained shaking the bag around.

"Baby you didn't have to bring me anything, I'm going home later today. Or at least I hope I am." Tom responded.

"I still wanted to spoil you." I replied. I sat down and started to pull contents out of the bag. "I got you clothes to change into after your surgery, deodorant, your own toothbrush, dry shampoo for your hair and a comb for your hair."

"Will you help me with the comb?" He questioned giving me those puppy dog eyes of his. I smiled and sat on the edge of the hospital bed while running the comb through his hair. "Can you give me a Mohawk?"

"Not without hair products." I replied. "Also your curls are too pretty, would not want to substitute those for any other hair style."

"Keep telling me how pretty I am." He said giving me a smile. I laughed.

"I can't tell if you are being serious or not." I replied.

"Oh I'm being serious." He explained and I blankly stared at him. "Oh come on please. Before my surgery. It will help me get my mind off of things."

"Well I guess I will start with your hair." I began still running the brush through it. "I obviously love your curls and your volume. And the way you run your fingers through you hair when you are thinking. I love your eyebrows even though they are a bit crazy, they always fit any facial expression you make. I love your eyes. They are so warm and welcoming and romantic. I love your nose, even though you have broken it several times - it's imperfections add character. Your ears are perfect even though they were a little big for you when you were a kid you have grown into them. I love your smile and the way it can light up an entire room. I love how your teeth are so white besides the amount of tea that you drink. I love your shoulders and how broad and manly they look. I love your chest, back, and arm muscles and how toned you keep yourself. I love your abs but that's a given..." I wanted to continue but I looked down and Tom was asleep. I stopped running the comb through his hair and put it back in the bag that I had brought. A nurse came in, she was younger - looked like she had probably recently gotten out of college.

"Oh hello." She said noticing me in the room. She was really pretty. She had brown hair and brown eyes with a perfect smile. She was also very tan and fit.

"Hello!" I responded.

"Okay so he's sleeping, that's a good sign that he's not in too much pain." She offered a joke. I chuckled a little bit. "His surgery is going to be in around half an hour or so. I'm just here to get him prepped."

"Alright." I responded. She went over to Tom and gently rubbed his arm in attempt to wake him up. Tom got prepped for surgery and eventually was taken out of the room. I decided that I should go entertain myself instead of just sitting in Tom's room nervously. I went to a cafe in the hospital and was looking through my emails. I saw that my mom had gotten back to me. I had sent her the prom pictures Tom and I had taken. I was surprised to see her response. I decided that I should wait to open it with Tom. I figured it would be better to have him there for emotional support. After around two hours I was invited back into the room to see Tom. I made my way back to his room and went inside. His parents were already in there and he was surprisingly awake.

"The doctor will come in a given you a report in a few minutes. You can ask him if you have any questions, or concerns!" A nurse explained before leaving. I went over to Tom and held his hand.

"You look great." I commented putting a grin onto his face.

"I always look great." He responded, slurring his words together from what I assumed to be the pain medication he was on. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. He shook hands with everyone in the room before settling down in a chair.

"How are you feeling after the surgery bud?" The doctor questioned looking over at Tom.

"I feel... amazing." Tom explained making us all laugh.

"Well that won't be the case when your pain meds stop working so I'm going to get you a prescription for some that you can take orally at home." The doctor replied writing something down on a piece of paper. "Um we want you back here in 2-3 days just to make sure the surgery went properly and during that visit we can get you scheduled for your physical therapy."

"Wait, will I be able to return back to my soccer season?" Tom questioned.

"Well unless you have some remarkable superhero power that causes you to heal super quickly, im going to go with no." The doctor responded, none of us laughed at his joke.

"I'm sorry sweetie." Nikki chimed in.

"On the bright side, Harrison won the game for you last night." Dom added, putting a slight smile on Tom's face.

"And your team members want to visit you soon if that's okay?" Nikki questioned.

"Of course that's okay." Tom responded.

"Well I'm glad you have something to look forward to. My nurses are just going to continue watching over you for an hour or two just in case you have any allergic reactions to the medication you were on and then you can be on your way." The doctor explained. He shook all of our hands once again before leaving.

"I can't believe Harrison won." Tom explained with a grin.

"It's amazing what someone can push themselves to do for a friend." Dom contributed. "He's really worried about you."

"Well the entire ambulance act was a little excessive. I'm fine." Tom shared. His mom sighed before standing up, going over to tom, grabbing his blankets, and pulling them back to reveal the giant cast on his foot. "Okay that's excessive too."

"No dear. It was a bad and serious injury." Nikki explained rubbing Tom's shoulder. "I told Harrison that he could invite the team up. I recommend that you clean up a bit. You kind of smell bad."

"We love you son. We will see you at home." Dom added as they walked out of the hospital room. I helped Tom take care of his hygiene and changed him into a sweatshirt. His teenaged came in and brightened his mood a lot. They brought him cupcakes and even gave him the ball that he broke his ankle with. The nurse came in and shared that Tom was good to leave. Harrison helped me gather his stuff and we pushed him out in a wheel chair.

"I always thought that I was going to be the one that ended up in the hospital." Harrison shared.

"Why is that?" Tom questioned.

"When we do drills and i play against you, im honestly scared you are going to kill me." Harrison responded, Tom smiled.

"I'm glad I have that effect on you. Thanks for sharing." Tom replied.

"You guys are being so weird." I contributed to the conversation.

"You're the weird one." Harrison joked making Tom laugh. Harrison helped Tom into my car and then we said our goodbyes to Harrison. I drove Tom home and he made fun of my driving the entire time but that was a usually occurrence. I helped him into his house and onto a couch in his family room. I grabbed him a blanket and snuggled in with him and within seconds he was in a deep sleep. It was nice to see him looking so peaceful but unfortunately I knew that he would be waking up in a lot of pain.

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