Chapter 46: Sunday

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Y/n POV:
After the entire event last night Tom has been really clingy and by that I mean more than usual. He held me super close the entire night and when I got up to go to the bathroom he followed me and literally sat on the counter while I did my business. I assume it's because he doesn't want to lose me but gosh only one night of this and I already need a break. "Tom" I groaned attempting to get out of bed with his strong arms wrapped around me. He was still fast asleep and after 15 minutes of struggling I was finally able to escape his grip. I went downstairs where Nikki was making tea.

"Oh good morning sweetie. I thought that you and Tom were going to stay at Harrison's after dinner?" She explained in a questioning manner pulling the tea kettle off the stove.

"We ended up leaving early.. Tom wasn't feeling very good." I responded and she smiled to herself.

"He can be a big baby sometimes." She teased making me laugh.

"Who?" Tom questioned making his way into the kitchen. Nikki looked at me and we both laughed considering he was wearing dinosaur pajama pants.

"No one dear." Nikki replied to her son. He shrugged before sitting down RIGHT NEXT TO ME. He placed his head on my shoulder and placed his hand in mine. "Tom what did I teach you about personal space?"

"She's my girlfriend." Tom responded sleepily. Nikki laughed.

"HOLY SHIT!" We heard Sam scream from upstairs.

"LANGUAGE SAMUEL!" Nikki yelled as Sam came running into the kitchen. Sam placed his phone directly in front of Tom's face.

"HOLY SHIT!" Tom joined.

"BOYS!" Nikki threatened once again making me laugh.

"MOM LOOK! I GOT THE PART!" Tom yelled handing Sam's phone to his mom. She grabbed her glasses on the counter and put them on before a large smile appeared on her face.

"HOLY SHIT!" She joined. We all laughed. "MY BABY BOY IS GOING TO BE SPIDER-MAN!"

"WHAT?!" I questioned pushing Tom off of me and running around the counter to look at Sam's phone. "When did you even audition!?"

"Harrison and I got bored in our hotel room during states." Tom explained. "But it's weird because I didn't get a call or anything like that."

"Why would they pick you over Harrison?" Sam questioned.

"Because Tom's hot" I explained earning a look from Nikki "I mean cute, he's cute."

"I don't see it" Sam responded. Nikki rolled her eyes.

"You are all dashing young men." Nikki said breaking up the fight between the two boys.

"It's just weird because I didn't get a call or anything." Tom explained. I shrugged and sat down next to him once again, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm proud of you." I responded. Tom smiled at me but it quickly died down. "What's wrong?"

"I'm probably going to be out of town for quite a bit." Tom responded. I frowned a little bit too.

"Y/n why don't you go along with him? You can find a college down in Atlanta." Nikki explained and I shrugged.

"I don't know if I have enough money to go out of state. I'm not really in touch with my parents anymore and I haven't made much money at the coffee shop." I responded.

"I can help you out. With my marvel check." Tom teased.

"And you guys could just live together down there." Sam added and everyone agreed.

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