Chapter 40: Monday

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Y/n POV:
We were finally getting on a plane to go home today. I see finally because ever since Sam and I arrived there has been never ending drama. We were waiting for the plane with the rest of the soccer team. "Do you want any food before we take off?" Tom questioned slightly nudging me. I can tell he's being extra nice to me because of the entire Harrison thing. I didn't mind at first but now I just feel bad for Tom, I feel guilty letting him do everything for me.

"No thanks my stomach is kind of bothering me." I replied. He nodded reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"You can borrow my sweatshirt if you want. Your stomach might feel better if you stay warm." Harrison offered. Tom squeezed my hand lightly. I guess it was to remind me that he was there or something like that.

"I'm okay thanks Harrison..." I responded causing a smirk to display on Tom's face. I nudged him slightly and the smirk died down.

"Gosh I could cut the tension in here with a knife." Sam commented after a few moments of silence.

"You think I want my best mate to like my girlfriend?" Tom questioned.

"Just keep bringing it up huh? Why don't you just tell the entire world?" Harrison replied.

"The entire world already knows because you make it so obvious!" Tom yelled earning looks from other people who were waiting for the plane and the entire soccer team.

"Well if we are talking about obvious things it's very apparent that you don't treat her right!" Harrison yelled back.

"Burn!" One of the soccer players added to the conversation making this entire event even more awkward for me.

"I don't treat her right? You are putting her in the worst position possible!" Tom commented.

"I'm in the worst position possible but you wouldn't know that because all you care about is yourself!" Harrison responded.

"GUYS STOP!" I yelled to end the fighting earning a few laughs from the soccer team.

"I agree." Sam added with a long dramatic sigh.

(A king honestly.)

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said getting up.

"I'll come." Tom replied standing up.

"Alone." I replied making Tom sit back down. Harrison laughed but stopped when Tom sent him a glare. I quickly made my way towards the bathrooms dodging people and their luggage on my way there. I finally arrived at the bathroom to find a long line standing in front of me. I got in line and sighed.

"Y/n is that you?" I heard from behind me. I turned around quickly.

"Ethan?" I questioned.

(Whoops cliffhanger vibes are very apparent. Sorry I have been rarely posting and sorry this chapter is super short but I wanted to get you guys some kind of material. I'm really trying to post more it's just hard finding motivation so please just be patient I will try to start posting around 3 times a week.)

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