Chapter 17: Sunday

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Tom POV:
Thomas was still at my house which was kind of annoying. He kept flirting with y/n and she was uncomfortable at first but I think that he is growing on her. Which is bad for me of course. My parents went out with my aunt and uncle so they won't be home all night. I wanted to spend some alone time with my girlfriend while they weren't home to watch over us or something like that. I walked downstairs to see Thomas, Sam, Harry and y/n playing just dance. "Yes yes I'm winning!" Sam chanted while continuing to dance. I sat down on the couch and watched everyone.

"Do people actually find this game enjoyable?" Thomas asked.

"Yes" Sam, Harry and y/n all responded at the same time. The round ended and Sam won. Harry was right on his tail but y/n and Thomas failed.

"That's an exercise" Thomas said flopping down onto the couch. He pulled y/n down on him which made her laugh. That should be me making her laugh but I sat there silently.

"Tom want to play in the next round?" Sam asked.

"What do I get if I win?" I responded.

"Uhh..." Harry started to explain.

"If you don't win then I'm stealing your girlfriend" Thomas explained. He put his arm around her. I knew it was friendly and I'm glad that they were getting along but it still made me angry.

"I'll play" I said grabbing the remote and glaring at Thomas. I guess he understood because he put his arm down.

"You get song choice" Sam explained.

"Do I'm yours" I explained "I have to practice just in case"

"Practice?" Harry asked.

"Just go with it I want to see this!" Y/n said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Okay it's a two player song. I'll sit this one out" sam explained sitting down. The song started and we looked at the screen. The two characters were slow dancing.

"Nice song choice" Harry said rolling his eyes before coming closer to me. We both awkwardly slow danced. My hands were resting on his hips and his hands were around my neck. I hated this. Actually hate isn't even a strong enough word. I mean I love my brother but this is just weird. Eventually I have to twirl him and it was kind of funny. "Weeeee" he says while spinning making the entire group laugh. I looked over at y/n. She looks so cute when she laughs. I can't believe I thought of her as only my best friend. She is so much more. Probably the most perfect human on this earth if I'm being honest. But then I remembered I was technically fighting for her because of what Thomas said so I decided to focus on the game.

"Let me win" I whispered. Harry gave me a weird look before deciding to whisper back.

"What's in it for me?" Harry asked. I rolled my eyes. Why can't he just do it for me? It's one game of just dance. I eventually came up with an idea. I told Harry and Sam that I would let them sit at the soccer table. Maybe if I take that away then Harry will let me win. I am officially a genius.

"I won't let you sit with the soccer team" I explained.

"Fine" Harry responded. The "Yeah" move was coming up which gave players the most points. I moved like the characters on the screen and Harry rapidly moved his arm so he wouldn't earn the points.

"Harry what was that?" Thomas asked.

"Muscle spasm?" Harry attempted to answer. It was kind of funny to be completely honest. He's not the best actor or dancer in the world. The song ended and I barely won. I'm so thankful that it's all over. No more dancing with Harry. No more of my cousin trying to steal my girlfriend from me. I can just go upstairs with my girlfriend and we can snuggle and talk.

My "best friend" (reader x Tom holland)Where stories live. Discover now