Chapter 11: Monday

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Tom POV:
After dinner last night y/n decided to start staying at her house again. I was upset but I understood. I drove her home and she texted me that her parents were already asleep which made me feel relieved. I got up and got ready for school. Once I arrived at school I saw y/n at our shared locker. "Good morning" I said grabbing a book off the top shelf.

"Good morning" she replied before yawning.

"Didn't get much sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah. I couldn't fall asleep" she explained.

"Same" I replied.

"It was nice not waking up to a house full of boys though" she explained.

"Hey I'm not that bad! It's my brothers right?" I asked.

"You are just as bad as your brothers" she said giggling.

"I'm hurt" I responded.

"Aww poor Tommy" she teased.

"Poor Tommy is right" I explained "I have to deal with you all day"

"Oh you love dealing with me all day" she responded.

"Who says?" I asked

"Y/n I'm in love with you" she said mocking my words from last night.

"You said it too" I teased.

"Well you said it first!" She responded.

"Sometimes actions speak louder than words" I teased in a girl tone.

"I was in the moment okay!" She explained. I quickly pulled her closer to me. Our faces centimeters apart.

"Are you in the moment again?" I asked. She nodded quickly before kissing my cheek and laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" She teased.

"Ha ha very funny" I responded frustrated.

"I'm not kissing you in school tom. Do you know what that will do to my popularity?" She asked.

"Well thinking about it I'm more popular than you" I began "no offense"

"None taken" she responded with a shrug.

"So that means that it would make you more popular" I finished.

"Yeah that's the problem" she explained. I rolled my eyes.

"But I want to kiss you again!" I explained.

"Tom you know I'm shy about this stuff! You can't just flirt with me like this it makes me queasy!" She responded.

"Just one kiss and then you can go do whatever you do" I explained.

"So I can run away and read a textbook on the girls bathroom floor?" She asked making me laugh.

"Knock yourself out" I responded.

"Okay fine" she sighed. She walked closer to me before standing on her tip toes and pecking my lips.

"Thank you!" I teased.

"I hate you" she explained walking away.

"I love you too" I said laughing and closing the locker.

"Dude am I seeing straight or did I hit my head too hard?" Harrison asked approaching me.

"You definitely hit your head too hard. I don't know why you would think anything of me closing a locker" I explained.

"No no I wasn't talking about you closing the locker" he explained.

"That I said I love you to y/n?" I asked.

"No I know that you guys say that all the time" he explained.

"Okay so then what?" I asked.

"She just kissed you. Like on the lips." Harrison explained.

"I know" I replied "I'm pretty sure I was there to experience it"

"So are you going to tell me what finally happened between you two?" He asked.

"Oh yeah right well my dad took my family and y/n to this fancy restaurant that he is business partners with or something" I began.

"Andddd?" Harrison asked.

"Let me finish!" I explained "so there was like a dance floor at the restaurant and we were dancing and I just told her. She said it back and then we kissed. But Sam saw and we didn't hear the end of it."

"I better talk to Sam later" Harrison explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he probably got a video of it" Harrison responded.

"He better not have" I said in anger.

"I'll bet you a milkshake he did" Harrison replied.

"Oh it's on!" I explained sprinting down the hallway towards Sam's locker. Harrison was right on my tail but I beat him.

"Oh hey guys" sam said.

"Did you get a video?" I asked.

"Of what?" Sam replied.

"The kiss!" Harrison explained from behind me.

"Oh yeah I did. Want to see?" He said grabbing his phone from the top shelf of his locker.

"You owe me a milkshake!" Harrison said teasing me.

"Send that to me and then delete it" I explained after watching the video.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Because we live in the same house and I won't let you sleep" I said giving him a creepy smile. He nodded while sending the video to me before he deleted it off his phone.

"Aww what are you guys going to name your children?" Harrison asked.

"Dude we only kissed twice" I explained.

"Twice?" Sam asked.

"Yeah y/n just kissed him at their locker!" Harrison explained.

"Aww my older brother is falling in love" sam teased.

"Bye sam" I said rolling my eyes and walking away.

"Wait up!" I heard Harrison yell from behind me. "So are you guys like a couple now?"

"I don't know" I explained "probably not. She likes to take things slow. Turtle pace. I've had like 18 girlfriends and she's had like 2 boyfriends"

"Well make sure you go at her pace. You don't want to lose her. You've always loved her and you know it" Harrison explained to me. I nodded.

"I should be getting to class now" I explained.

"Yeah me too" Harrison responded. "When am I going to get that milkshake?"

"Tonight maybe? I can take you after practice" I explained.

"Sounds good. You should invite your girlfriend" Harrison teased.

"Not me girlfriend" I explained walking away from him.

"Your girlfriend!" He repeated trying to tease me. I just ignored him and continued walking to my next class.

"Wait you have a girlfriend now?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I turned around to see Zendaya. Oh fudge nuggets.

(Peep me not wanting to swear lol. Hope you guys are liking this story. Sorry I haven't been posting on Tik Tok that often it sometimes won't post and then I have to remake an episode so I lose inspiration. There should be a post up in the next few days though!)

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