Chapter 11: SCP-079

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The group landed on the ground floor. They were groaning in pain, since they fell from a considerable height. Riley stood up first and looked around, then Freddie followed suit.

They landed in the ground floor atrium, which is connected to four hallways, which then lead to everywhere in the facility, knowing which turns to take.

"Oowww..." Drista groaned in pain. "Why did I think that was a good idea?"

"Here, Drista." Freddie said as he put out his hand for the tomboy. "Let me help you up."

Drista took the peacekeeper's hand and stood up.

"Everyone still alive?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, I'm still up." Freddie answered.

"I'm good." Drista answered. "For now, at least."

"Yeah, I'm good too." Adrian added. "I landed in something, which broke my fall."

"That's because you're on me!"

The group saw that Adrian landed on Dustin, causing him significant pain. Adrian immediately stood up, to get off from on top of him. Dustin then stood up, stretching his back.

"Sorry, man." Adrian apologised.

"I swear, I'm gonna get you back someday." Dustin replied.

"Alright, everyone's still alive." Riley noticed. "That's good."

"You nearly killed us, man." Dustin responded. "We weren't expecting something that extreme."

"But you're still alive, aren't you?" Riley countered. "I'd say I made the right call, and besides, that instance didn't even follow us down here."

"So, where do we go from here?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah, you shot the only guy who knew his way around this place." Drista added.

"We need to somehow find SCP-682." Riley answered. "The tricky part is... where to start..."

Then they heard a roaring sound, followed by light shaking, as if there was a low-magnitude earthquake in the area. With that, some small pieces of the building dropped to the ground floor, causing significant damage to the steel bridge they jumped from.

"Looks like this place isn't holding out much longer." Freddie noticed.

"Yeah, we're going be buried here if we're not careful..." Drista added.

"What even was that?" Dustin asked.

"That sounded like SCP-682." Riley answered. "Come on, we got to follow the sounds."

"Can you tell us first on what the SCP is?" Adrian asked.

"I'll tell you on the way." Riley answered. "But right now, we have to follow the sounds. We might lose him if we're not quick enough. Check your corners and follow me."

"Got it." the group responded.

The group then proceeded to enter the southernmost hallway, since Riley heard the sounds from there. They were going to track SCP-682 to help the Foundation into recontaining it.

"So, tell me about this 682..." Adrian said to the corporal.

"Alright, SCP-682 is a Keter-Class SCP." Riley started to explain. "Also known as the 'Hard-To-Destroy Reptile', which you might guess on what makes him an SCP."

"Is he indestructible in some way?" Freddie asked.

"Bingo." Riley responded. "The Foundation tried everything in the arsenal, and with little to no effect. And he hates every single living thing known to man, so he tries really hard to escape."

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