Chapter 48: SCP-187

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Athena and Durham were put in charge of an SCP for the entire day, with the chief researcher making the said decision. Currently the the two were in front of the chief researcher, regarding the decision made.

The chief researcher was an aged man, presumably in their early fifties. He had fair skin, brown eyes, and a few freckles and wrinkles on his face. His short hair was turning gray, with a few coloured white.

"Just make sure she doesn't get harmed or distressed in any way." the chief researcher told the two. "I hope I can trust you two with this testing."

"Yes, Doctor Stevens." Durham answered. "We won't let anything bad happen to her."

"Okay, don't make me regret it."

"Yes, sir."

With that settled, the two researchers left the chief researcher's office and went over to their own to prepare a few things before heading to the containment cell.

"Alright, I guess that should be all set..." Durham spoke. "That should be enough for her lunch..."

"Guess so..." Athena picked up the tray carrying the food.

The two had left their office and went towards the containment cell of the SCP. Athena had carried the lunch of the SCP, while Durham had only carried her clipboard for the documentation.

After a little while, the two had reached the containment cell and Durham opened the door with her key card. They both went inside and they saw the SCP.

The SCP was a Caucasian female, presumably in her early twenties, with signs of malnutrition. She was sleeping whilst strapped down on a hospital bed and were surrounded by a few medical staff, tasked in monitoring her.

One of the medical staff noticed the two researchers, with the others following suit.

"What are you doing here?" one of the medical staff asked.

"The chief researcher wanted us to run some testing on her." Durham answered. "But we noticed that it was lunch, so we have this for her before we run the tests."

"Alright, leave it here." the same medical staff instructed. "We'll take it from here, and we'll let you know when she's ready for the testing."

"Okay." Durham agreed, then turned to her assistant. "Come on, Athena. We should wait outside."


Athena went up to the medical staff and handed over the lunch of the SCP. The two researchers then went outside and waited for the SCP to eat her lunch.

"Jaina, may I ask why is she restrained in a hospital bed?" Athena asked.

"It's so that she doesn't hurt herself..." Durham answered.

"Why's that?"


A blood-curdling scream was then heard from the cell and interrupted the researcher, startling the two.

"What the fuck?" a female voice asked, as if afraid of something. "Where are your arms? And where's the top of your head? And you! Where even is your fucking head?"

"That's... that's why..." Durham answered, regaining her train of thought.

"What do you mean?" Athena asked.

"Well, her anomalous ability is that she always views certain objects and people at two states; as they are and as they will be." Durham explained. "I guess you can call them her 'prophecies'..."

"And she was never wrong?"

"Well, prior tests say that she wasn't wrong at all." Durham answered. "Anyways, our tests today will merely prove that."

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