Chapter 35: SCP-514

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Upon the group's return, Dustin was immediately brought to the medbay by Cunningham, to check on his health after the mission. Again, Athena opted to be in charge of his medical exams. Once the tests were done, she checked the results.

"This is peculiar..." Athena spoke as she read the documented result of Dustin's medical tests. "You're affected by the SCP but... it appears the prions are in a weak state and die out..."

"In English, Thea?" Dustin asked.

"All in all, you're somehow okay." Athena sighed.

Athena examined the results of the athlete's medical tests, and she was both surprised and confused as to why this was so.

"It's just unusual..." Athena spoke. "First, you encountered the prototype with not much effects from radiation poisoning, and now this... it's just bizarre..."

"I dunno why either..." Dustin replied. "I just... don't feel any different."

"Well, just to be safe, why don't you rest here for a while?" Athena suggested. "You know, just to get yourself recharged, so to speak."

"I'm kinda tired, yeah..." Dustin replied with a yawn. "Maybe you're right, Thea..."

"Anyways, just rest there on the bed and relax yourself." Athena said. "Just rest your body and mind for a while, alright?"

"Alright, Thea..." Dustin replied. "Or should I call you doctor now?"

"I don't mind." Athena responded. "I'll be examining your papers still, so just rest there."

Dustin complied and laid down on the medical bed, preparing himself to go to sleep. Athena was double-checking the results for any sort of error, but no errors were made in the tests.

"Somehow... your health is normal..." Athena thought to herself. "I wonder why..."


Adrian and Riley were still in the shooting range, upon the latter's orders, and the rest of the group were watching them.

Riley made the joker stay in the shooting range for longer, teaching him to aim for the head to easily deal with enemies instead of aiming centre mass.

"Can I go now, Billy?" Adrian asked. "It's getting boring..."

"No, your thirty minutes isn't up yet." Riley answered sternly. "You did this to yourself, Adrian. You should know better."

"You sound just like my dad..." Adrian responded.

"And I'm not gonna stop until you learn." Riley immediately riposted.

"Fine..." Adrian groaned.

Adrian started to shoot at the targets, aiming for their heads, while Riley was next to him, monitoring his progress. Meanwhile, the rest of the group were talking to each other.

"Y'all think Dustin's alright?" Cunningham suddenly asked. "The zombie that attacked him really did him damage..."

"What did happen with you two, Ariel?" Freddie asked.

"We went to a warehouse and kinda snooped around..." Cunningham recapitulated the encounter. "We went to this office and looked around for anything useful. When we're about to leave, a zombie just burst through the window and grabbed him. It tore up his suit and bit him, and I panicked..."

"Shit man..." Drista commented.

"I... I just feel like it's my fault for him getting injured..." Cunningham hung her head. "If I acted fast enough... then he wouldn't have gotten hurt..."

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