Chapter 117: SCP-231

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A squad of police officers are currently driving over to a warehouse deep in the woods. There were many civilian reports about strange happenings there, to which the police department had sent a squad to investigate the matter.

"Sir, we're approaching the warehouse now..." the police sergeant contacted his superior through the radio in a gruff voice.

"Copy that, stay on high alert." male voice responded through the radio. "Expect any and all resistance and we have backup when you need it."

"Copy that, sir." the police sergeant responded before switching frequencies to the occupants of the car ahead of them. "Powell, you see anything?"

"Not seeing anything so far, sir..." an officer responded. "Are we expecting any--"

Gunshots were fired and bullets hit the first car, making it swerve away from the road in an effort avoid more damage.


The other officers immediately parked their vehicles near the warehouse, where they saw what seemed to be cultists with pistols firing at them.

The police officers scrambled out of their vehicles to take cover, then returned fire. The shootout had gone on for a short while, and it ended with the officer's favour.

"Clear." one of the officers called out, being as silent as possible.

"Alright, keep your eyes peeled." the police sergeant barked to the other officers. "There could be more of them."

The officers began to look around their surroundings, to avoid ambushes by any other resistance. A group of officers were ordered to go to the sides of the warehouse, leaving only four on the main entrance.

One of the officers tried to open the door, but they found that it was locked.

"Harris, on you." the police sergeant ordered.

"On it."

One of the officers took position in front of the door, with a two-handed battering ram at the ready, while the other three were standing by the door.

Within a short time frame, the officer used the battering ram to forcibly open the door. The three officers began to enter through the door, with the other letting go of the battering before entering with them.

The other team of officers had also breached another part of the warehouse, effectively flanking any resistance inside.

The officers began to enter the main room of the warehouse and what they saw had shocked them.

They saw the main room was decorated with cultist symbols and other furniture. The most unsettling thing was that they found seven women of varying ages, all of which are pregnant.

"Shit..." the police sergeant then activated his radio. "Sir, yeah, we found something and we're gonna need that backup."


"You had done well, my son. We will meet again soon."


"Wake up, there's much more to be done."

Dustin suddenly shot up from his bed, and he immediately felt a stinging pain in the side of his head. He reflexively put his hand on his left temple, wanting the pain to fade away.

"What the hell happened?" the athlete muttered to himself, then looked around his surroundings. "What? I'm back?"

He then looked at the nearby bed in the infirmary, almost completely parallel to his, which had made him more confused.

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