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A/N Inspired by the image. I don't know how often I will post on here. Might be a week could be two. Or you know tomorrow? Please remember these are for fun and when I need to distract myself. Enjoy! 😉


"Kacchan?" I hear his voice calling out weakly for me. 

"I'm coming fucking nerd, hold on," I try to grumble but dirt and dust had already filled the air making me hack and cough while I shoved the rubble off of me. Which really didn't help with my breathing because it just shot more dust and rubble into the air. 

The fuck? I try to think back to what happened but my head is all blurry. Fuck it all! I drag myself in the direction that I think Deku's voice came from. 

"Oi nerd! Where the fuck are you?" I somehow managed not to cough until I was done. That didn't however stop the smoke and debris from feeling like fire. Was I on broken concrete? It was white whatever it was. Was... Now it was covered in bright slick red blood. I was coughing up blood? 

"Kacchan?" He sounded so weak that for a second I didn't care about sounding angry. There isn't anyone here too hear me anyway. 

I crawled as quickly as I could slipping and sliding on either the rubble or my own blood. Sometimes it was something else altogether but I would really prefer not to think about what it could be. The very deep red almost black in color material was smooth and slipped under my feet with ease, as if it were well lubricated... No, I'm not going to think about that. No not now. 

It didn't take long to find Deku, he was pinned under a bunch of rubble and it looked like at least one of his legs were broken. His torso however looked fine so I shouldn't have to worry about internal bleeding, at least not from his organs. 

"What the fuck happened?" I mutter a string of curses as I push the rubble off of Deku, finally freeing him. 

"I don't know. The last thing I remember we were in class Aizawa Sensei was lecturing Mineta about sexual harassment again and then this," he shrugged tilting his head towards our surrounding area. 

Part of me wondered if the school was attacked but that seems wrong somehow. In my memories we were in our UA uniforms but right now... We are in our hero suits and to make things weirder we seem larger than before? I swear I didn't have quite this much muscle and I swear to giving All Might that fucking Deku sure as fuck didn't. 

I find what I need to make an emergency splint for Deku's leg and wrap it as carefully and tightly as I could. I want to be the number 1 hero but I want to earn that fucking title. Not let the nerd drop out because of this bullshit. 

"Things are not making sense but we can deal with that later. Right now we need to get the fuck out of here. Wherever the fuck here is." I point out and he nods weakly. 

"I know you don't need it but if you want my quirk to get us out..." He left his sentence unfinished and I rolled my eyes at his dumbass, scoffing as I did. "I figured as much, but still. You can take it if I somehow pass out before we get out of here. I can't lie, I'm in bad shape." 

I grumbled acknowledging what he was saying. He was not only giving his consent but willing his quirk to me now just in case shit gets worse. We search ourselves and find most of our supplies are already gone so they must have been stolen or we lost our memories somehow. Probably a quirk considering both of our memories are from the same time. 

"Since you can't walk I'm going to look around a bit to see what I can find before we try to actually do something," I see Deku nod having found a cell phone in his pocket he was trying to get it to work. The battery was full but it wasn't getting a signal, you know probably from all the concrete around us. 

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