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Aizawa Sensei is droning on about ethics, the irony I know, and he was assigning homework when my phone went off surprising not only everyone in class but me too. I pulled it out and after reading the message my face drained of all color and I spun around to Deku. 

“WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU TELL UNCLE?” I demanded, but he looked at me confused. I showed him my phone with his message.

Uncle: You have five days left before I come and get you.

Deku’s eyes widened too, “What did you do?”

“That’s what I’m asking you dumbass! What did you tell him that I did? Why does it sound like he is going to murder me?” I demanded and he held up his hands in defense.

“There’s no way he would kill you though, he loves you,” he quickly tried to reassure me.

“Does this,” I held up my phone again for him, “sound like he loves me to you? What the hell did you tell him?”

“Kacchan, I’m sure-”

“The hell Deku? I am not suicidal and this sounds a hell of a lot like Uncle being homicidal. What did you tell him?” I was starting to lose my shit and grabbed him by his shoulders, shaking him a bit to try and get my point across.

“I, uh, no. I haven’t talked to him at all this week and the last time I did was Saturday after…” I let him go and we both stared as panic started rising in my chest.

“Deku, you didn’t. Did you?” The words came out as barely a breath but the whole class heard them.

“No! Why would I-? We decided that we… No!” Deku was starting and stopping abruptly and it was pretty clear he did.

“Deku, think carefully. Were you muttering at all when you were on the phone with him?” It was easy to see that he wanted to say no but there was no way he could confidently do that. Last Friday we had a fight and instead of throwing a punch at each other like usual, we kissed. Neither of us were prepared for it and we sure as fuck were not ready for it. Nor anything that happened after the fact. My back still hurts and I would do it again if I thought for even a moment that he wanted to. As for why it happened at all was beyond us but we have been awkward with each other ever since.

“I’m going to die,” I groaned, slumping back into my seat. The fact that Uncle actually knew exactly what all I did to Deku back in middle school and he still hasn’t killed me yet was a miracle that I chalked up to the fact that as Deku said, the man loved me.

“No! I mean Dad is still in America it’s not like he gets to come back home all that often because of the company as it is and it’s a big deal when he does,” Deku was raising his voice but it was easy to hear him panicking. "It's not like he could just leave and come here."

"Deku, five days. He said five fucking days. Where in the fuck do you think he wants to take me? Huh?" I yelled at him but then his phone rang and we both froze at the familiar ringtone.

He picked the phone up with shaking hands and answered nervously, "Hey Dad. I'm still at school, is everything alright?" There was a long ass pause and the fact Deku was getting paler as time went didn't bode well for me. He silently handed me the phone and I took it.


"Katsuki! Great news, I'll be coming to get you both tomorrow instead. I had so many canceled appointments you just wouldn't believe!" His evil cackling had the hair on the back of my neck standing on end.

"Uncle, where exactly are you planning on taking me?" I asked politely and all the curious stares turned to shock as they all watched me closely while I tried not to make any sounds that I shouldn't.

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