Mumbling Deku

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A/N So there are no actual lemons but it is heavily implied that they have sex so continue with caution you have been advised. 🌈

"Oi Shit Nerd!" I sigh hearing my once childhood best friend's angry voice directed at me... Again. No, not this time. I won't turn around. I will not answer to such an awful nickname ever again! I keep walking and I didn't even flinch.

I'm proud of myself! Really I am. We are currently on patrol and the hero agency we are interning with paired us together. Well to be fair they didn't know that we don't get along. It's our first day and so far it's been quiet.

"Wow! Are you the pro hero Deku?" A little boy ran up to ask. I smile nodding my head and he asked me for an autograph! He asked me! FOR AN AUTOGRAPH! Wait until I tell All Might!

"Thank you so much! I bet one day you'll be an even better hero than All Might! You're my hero Deku!" The kid gushed before running back to a woman that I assume was his mom. I could still hear him talking about how cool I was and it was so hard not to blush or cry.

I'm his hero. My dream is no longer just a dream anymore.

I send a text to All Might that I really had to talk to him as soon as my shift was over and I made sure to add a smiley face so he knew it was good.

I'm still smiling at least ten minutes later from it and ended up having several more kids run up and ask me questions. Everything from my favorite color: red obviously, to asking for autographs; which I gave. Some handed me notebooks others pictures and a few their backpacks.

When they were all gone and I was alone on the sidewalk waving goodbye to the last one I couldn't help sighing to myself, "I'm really a hero now."

"In training. Deku what the fuck? You're just going to ignore me now Mr. Popular?" Kacchan hissed, trying to keep his voice low, considering the number of kids in the area.

Hmm odd, I look at him and quickly notice that he is slightly red. "Kacchan! Are you sick? Hold on I'll call Aunty and-"

"No I'm not fucking sick! Leave the hag out of this!" He snapped at me, still keeping his voice down.

"But Kacchan you're turning red! Look our shift is almost over at least let me check you over in my room if you don't want to see Recovery Girl. Or let me come to yours?" But then I wouldn't really know where everything is, the first aid kit and everything. Besides it's not like he has let anyone besides Kirishima in either. Which really isn't fair considering I have known him way longer but then again Kacchan hates me, so really that answers that. I wonder if he will ever not hate me? Is there something I could do to make him want to be friends again? But then what if he figures out that I'm-.

"Deku you are muttering again," Kacchan groaned rubbing his face with a free hand. I snapped my mouth shut thankful that I didn't finish that last thought. I waited to hear his answer but he must groaned like I was torturing him.

"Fine, but don't tell any of the extras," he finally gave in, which means there really is something wrong with him! But before I could say or ask anything he added,"Meet me at my dorm after you change. I guess."

The next two hours were pretty decent; there was a purse snatcher which I caught thanks to Kacchan actually helping. We really do work well together as a team if only he could feel just half of what I felt towards him. We could be amazing friends, he could be more than just my childhood friend...

What am I thinking? Of course Kacchan doesn't want to be my friend, I should be grateful that he is willing to work and train with me now. Sometimes he'll even study with me if Uraraka and Iida are busy with something else. There have even been times that Uraraka would drag Iida away for some errands or another during our study sessions when Kacchan came in and seemed to just be relaxing.

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