Made for You

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“Kacchan?” I heard from somewhere nearby but I can’t see shit and it’s so dark I doubt I would be able to anyway. I can’t even tell where here is and with everything going on I wouldn't even be able to guess either. Hell for all I know we might not even be in Japan anymore but I seriously doubt that. So all I really knew was that Deku was asking for me. I hit the emergency tracker on my suit and I started hearing the soft, faint beeping that came with it.

“What?” I snapped but groaned right afterwards, I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. Again. Was that really only last week? It feels like months ago.

“I’m scared,” I heard his voice getting even more raspy, probably from all the dust in the air but there isn’t shit we can do about that. I could hear explosions that had nothing to do with my quirk far away from us. I could almost guess who it was, not that it matters anymore. Nothing I can do about it now.

“Deku, do you ever regret it?” I asked, finally giving in to my curiosity. It’s not like we are going anywhere any time soon. And it is getting harder and harder to focus on anything at all.

“No,” his answer was strong and there wasn’t any room for argument.

“Dumbass, you don’t even know what I’m talking about do you?” I grumbled, rolling my eyes even though I know that he can’t see me any better than I could see him. I don’t even know if we are facing each other or not.

“Fine. I don’t regret getting OFA, I don’t regret not jumping the day All Might left me on the roof and I don’t regret running in to save you from the sludge villain. I don’t regret becoming a hero. Am I missing anything?” He wheezed and now I’m coughing too, damn dust.

BOOM! That was much closer than before but even if it was right in front of me I still wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Dirt, dust, bits of rock or plaster maybe, fell down making us both cough more. It’s getting so hard to breathe.

“I’m not talking about any of that,” I groaned. A long time passed and I know that he is waiting for me to continue. I guess at this point it doesn’t matter if he knows or not. “Us. Do you regret the way we are?” I heard a gasp of pain probably from him moving when he shouldn’t have but I stayed quiet waiting to hear him catch his breath.

“That I regret,” his voice was small and it hurt just to hear but I still needed to hear it. It could be my last chance to. “Never telling you that I loved you.” My head jerked up but that still didn’t help me to see him at all. How far away is he?

“Me too,” I finally answered and I heard him chuckle sadly.

“Does this mean we are going to die? Since we are talking about regrets?” Deku asked and I tried to straighten up but pain shot through me from my left side. I feel so cold but right there it is so very hot and wet.

“I don’t know but I wish I could at least kiss you first,” I know I sound sappy but this last fight was harsh. There was a new villain, one that had a quirk a lot like mine only instead of sweating a chemical like I do. It looked like he could set people’s shadows on fire, with enough force to feel like a small explosion and depending on how dark it was it only seemed to get stronger. I didn’t have very long to figure out how he did it though. I’m pretty sure the reason for the pain in my side is because I was impaled by something. But I couldn’t actually see if that was true or not. He had set someone else's shadow on fire right beforehand and I just happened to be falling through it at the time. I’m pretty sure that even if I survive, if I don’t get emergency treatment, I’ll probably be blind for the rest of my life.

“A kiss would be nice,” I heard him chuckle a bit, his voice wheezing as he did. I don’t know if it is lucky or not but there was enough fighting going on around us that the villains couldn’t finish us off but there also weren't enough heroes to help us either. War fucking sucks.

My Hero OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora