Polarized 🍋

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A/N So for those of you who haven't met, this is my Katsuki... Possessive little shit. For those of you wondering, yes he is like this all day, everyday. All I did was sit up a little and he got pissy because he wasn't cuddled against me anymore, so he decided he wasn't going to let me go. Also warning, there is a lot of cursing in this one. For those of you wondering, I still very much hate peanut butter... 💥

"Get back here you flying piece of shit!" I screamed at the villain I had been fighting. He has literally been avoiding my attacks and throwing a bunch of smoke and powder bombs at me. I'm not an idiot, I'm not setting off my explosions with that shit in the air everywhere. No fucking thank you!

"Now why would I do a thing like that?" The villain laughed and I heard Deku growl. He was stuck too, the green energy he gives off when he uses his quirk would ignite the powder just as easily as my explosions, we have past experiences thanks to Kaminari asking his dumbass questions, but I guess at the moment, knowing is actually helping because that shit would fucking hurt.

"I don't need my quirk to beat the living shit out of a second rate villain like you. When I'm done with you, your own mother won't recognize you," I hissed because he has yet again managed to slip out of reach.

"I find it funny that I still haven't used my quirk on you and you are having so much trouble. Are you two really considered the best UA has to offer?" That's it I'm going to fucking kill this bastard! I saw Deku jerk and run to the right and I decided fuck it I'll go along with it. I went left.

"Splitting up? I hope you don't think that is actually going to help you?" The bastard taunted but I could hear a change in his voice, it was minimal but it was still there. So Deku was actually onto something, huh?

I smirked and jumped high into the air and I managed to actually escape the fucking powder and get some fucking fresh air. Now I see why I couldn't catch the villain before, he is using mirrors to make it look like he is somewhere he isn't. He himself is nowhere near the powder but on top of a car not too far away.

It was a fucking set up.

I took a couple deep breaths and I saw something green running towards the villain, Deku found the fucker, but like hell I'll let him beat me to the punch. This bastard deserves the beating he is about to get. I jumped and ran straight for the fucker and it wasn't long before I was right next to Deku. He must have figured it out but he didn't actually see him. That gives me a one up.

"Jump!" I yelled and Deku and I went into the air clearing the powder and just before our punches could land in his face he used his quirk, it was fucking weird as hell. It looked like white rings were coming out of his mouth and when they hit us they disappeared again. What the fuck ever, I could easily hear his ribs crumbling from the impact of not only my punch but Izuku's as well.

We managed to put erasure cuffs on him and Izuku used his quirk to jump, carrying his ass, to the patrol cars and where the rest of our class was waiting. Like fucking hell I'm walking through that cloud of powder again if I don't have to, I jumped as far as I could before using my explosions to propel me through the air, using cars and different odds and ends to kick off until I was clear of the fucking mine field. When powder, baby powder, is ignited it explodes so considering how much of the air is saturated with the shit it was basically a minefield that Izuku and I were at an extreme disadvantage.

"This is bullshit, I was told you two don't get along at all. So how were you able to work together and beat my genius powder bombs? Then my quirk does nothing to you?" The villain is wheezing, probably from the cracked or broken ribs we gave him, but he is still spitting mad.

"Like fucking hell Katsuki and I would fall for such a shitty plan like that. What is your quirk even? Cause those white rings didn't do shit," Izuku started ranting and I saw our classmates eyes go wide, what's their fucking problem?

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