Mumbling Deku pt 3 🍋

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A/N Okay that took longer than twenty minutes. Sorry everyone. 😓

Any other time we leave for a date no one even bothers to look up, today however Kirishima couldn't seem to take his eyes off of us until we left out the door, his confusion, relief, and just a hint of jealousy was easy to see but the only person who seemed to notice was Todoroki and Kirishima was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice.

When we were safely outside and a small distance away I turned to Kacchan who was smiling at his own thoughts.

"So when do you think he'll realize that Todoroki likes him as much as he likes Todoroki?" He turned at my voice still smiling before he started laughing.

"I doubt he'll figure it out, he is pretty dense," his laugh is just contagious and I can't help joining him. I kept my thoughts about him being so much worse silent. At least he opened up about the "weird" feeling he was having otherwise none of this could have happened.

"We'll have to tell Icyhot if we want to see anything other than them pining for each other," he eventually stopped laughing. I nodded in agreement pulling out my phone and sending a suggestion to Todoroki about asking Kirishima to the park tonight and which one. He agreed but I could tell he was confused even if he didn't say anything. I led Kacchan to the bus stop, humming happily. It wasn't until we were close to the park that we got off the bus but it's still not dark so I led him to a small restaurant nearby, we were both starving. At least we were able to have sex this morning. I'm not going to complain about being tired, but because of everything else we haven't had lunch so a slightly early dinner is just perfect, besides I have lots of snacks for later anyway.

The way Kacchan's whole face lit up when he smiled is just breathtaking, his eyes sparkled so much that I swear they could start a fire and the smile he directed at me showed off his sharp and dangerously handsome features more than I could have ever guessed. Smooth clear skin and his soft blond spikes easily complimented each other. The fact of the matter was, he is beautiful.

"Damn Deku, tell me how you really feel," Kacchan coughed, a blush softly coating his features only making him more beautiful.

"I guess I was mumbling again," I sighed out, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"No, I mean you were but I liked it. I like how you think and the fact that it spills out like you can't keep it in, it's cute," he reached over and grabbed my hand, his blush didn't disappear but now I just feel warm and bubbly inside.

"I love you," I couldn't stop the words even if I wanted to. He is everything I ever wanted and more, I only hope that he likes tonight. The fact that we've only been together for three months is laughable when you consider how we've spent our whole lives together and I plan to get exactly what I want.

"I love you too," Kacchan smiled, squeezing my hand when the waitress arrived to take our order. Kacchan didn't let my hand go and I didn't even want to try to pull my hand away so we just held hands while giving her our order and she beamed at us. She came back with our drinks quickly though, not even letting us do more than tease each other a bit.

"I think it's great that you're so open with your relationship, hiding it will only cause problems and misunderstandings after all and this way you both know where you stand," she nodded approvingly before giving us some chips and dip. She winked before going to another table, not bothering to wait for either of us to respond.

"I think that's the first time anyone's acknowledged our relationship at all," Kacchan said after just blinking for a while, thumbing the little recording device on his collar, something we both have just in case something happens when we are in street clothes. The device remained off but I couldn't help checking mine too but we both ended up laughing at our silliness, I mean we haven't ever used it before or anything.

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